Saturday, December 31, 2011


Well, in a few hours we will have to get use to writing 2012.......and start a new calendar year. With this thought many memories of the past year float by. Thoughts like: I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me! When Steve Jobs died his last words were: wow! wow! wow! As the vail was lifting for him......what did he see? I really wonder how big a WOW it will be. I hope my ship comes in before my dock rots.......and Betty your too old to die young. You can't start the next chapter of your life, if you keep re-reading the last one! And, find joy in the journey.

I go with the following thoughts for my 2012 New Years Resolutions: Laugh when you can----Apologize when you should----And let go of what you can't change.-----Kiss slowly, forgive quickly, play hard, take chances, give everything your best. Have no regrets. Life is too short to be anything but happy.


Friday, December 30, 2011


Mertle says: Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

As 2011 is nearing the end and I am fast approaching my 80th year, "Aging' becomes something I have to face. I guess it is time to let go of unrealistic expectations.......I would like to be more like my mother who was one of the most contented people I've ever known. As I grow older, I realize why: she didn't expect much and appreciated everything. She loved people, music and helping others everyday of her life. She made the people around her happy. She never complained about being poor, which was only monatary, because she was so rich in talent, personality and confidence the things that were most important to her. She married the man she loved, no she didn't have a wedding dress or a reception, they couldn't afford that during the depression. Vacations were rare, she never had a career, she loved trying new things and learning and conquered anything she wanted. She was everlastingly grateful for the blessings of home and family and didn't waste time worrying that she "didn't have it all." I resolve to practice that attitude in the years I have left. You know cultivate a "gratitude attitude" for all my blessings.........which are many!

We have no snow, the poor ski industry is suffering and so are my skiing family members. Last year was such a great year.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Well it certainly was a different Christmas surrounded by water! But being Christmas is all in your heart anywhere can be Christmas. Have to admit when I close my eyes and think Christmas the picture on the left is what comes to my mind. Parents, grandparents, aunts , uncles and losts of kids......and snow. However, they tell me it wasn't a White Christmas in Utah either. I did love the 80 degrees weather we had and lots of warm sunshine. It was a fun cruise and we really enjoyed our time in Ft. Lauderdale, especially our water-taxi ride at night with all the beautiful Christmas lights on the fabulous yatchs and million dollar homes. Oh yes, "Atlantas" wasn't to shabby either.

Today is my third grandson's birthday.......a big eighteen years old. I am so proud of him and know he has a great life ahead. One more year and he will no doubt be getting ready for a mission. He is going to the U in September and is off to the Phillipines in March with YMAD (Youth Make A Difference) ,young people volunteering to help the orphans and children there.

Happy Birthday Rich, looking forward to the Spagetti Factory dinner tonight!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

BIG DAY......

Mertle says: "If you ask some one.....where are you heading? And they answer, "Oh, no where special" and you say, "I've never been there.....can I go with you?" Where do you think you will end up?

It's one of those day when your so busy you don't know if you found a rope or lost your horse.......the family is coming to dinner for our annual Christmas party. Let's see, house decorated, presents bought and wrapped, games organized.......then there is that food thing! They all come to eat......I find suitable receipts, go buy the food, THEN the cooking begins. How long on the turkey? Is the dressing dry or too moist? How many potatoes for 16 people? Hordourvers? Same old, same old chips and dip or do I get brave and try something new from Pinterest? What dishes to use, need extra chairs? I have three lists I am trying to list, to do list, and have done list! Also trying to pack and have a couple of lists going for that. We leave very early day after tomorrow.......ready or not! Karrie and kids came over yesterday and tiddyed up and Sher came by early today to help with some odds and ends. I will be ready for this......but must confess I still don't know if I found a rope or lost a my horse! Sherrie will take Gigi home while I am off to the Bahamas......If I survive.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


It was one of those days when you don't get to that long list of "To Dos". Today was lunch and a little Christmas party with some old traveling buddies, didn't get home till late and the morning flew by as I started a chore I had been putting off and got very involved. I will try harder tomorrow because I am running out of time for the family party, pack, then be off for the holidays......As I stress about getting everything done I came across a cute article that worked for me.......A Doctor on TV said, "to have inner peace we should always finish things we start an we all could use more calm in our lives." Well, I began to look around my house to find things I'd started and hadn't finished, so I finished off a bottle of Grey Goose, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bottle of Baileys, a bottle of rummm , the remainder of valiuminun scriptins, an a box a chocletz and oh yes, the baig of pertator ships. You haf no ider how fablus I feel rite now. Send this to all who need inner piss, an telum u luvum and haf a Jerry Tismas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


This time of year we are surrounded by the "Spirt of Christmas" .When you think about is one long series of changes. Just when you get things running smoothly----along comes another change and you have to up your effort to smooth it out. As I look back over my life I can't think of one thing that hasn't changed. Everything changes! Seems the world is always in a state of chaos and we owe it ourselves to survive and make the best possible life we can in the midst of it.
Today another day and another change, I have definitely learned to be flexible.......Sherrie needed to change our planned April Cruise because of it being just when she was needed at home for Alex's farwell, take him through the temple for endowments and be sure he had all the things he would need for two years in Brazil. She jumped in and we all agreed on the change, so now we are off on the cruise in February. It is the same ship with the same itenerary and Karrie & I got our airline tickets purchased, but I don't doubt we still have some changes in things ahead,that's just life.
Every matter how dire it may seem has something to offer us......every single moment!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Mertle says: It's not that life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as expected. I just choose to be Happy and Grateful no matter how it turns out............

I guess it's just time to stop and think.....someday everything will make perfect sense. So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that "EVERY THING HAPPENS FOR A REASON." I so believe this, infact I have "Things Happen For a Reason.......just believe" written on my kitchen wall as a every day reminder.

As my sweet grandson Alex, turns 19 and has been assigned a Brazilian Mission for two years, I keep thinking of him as this darling baby with so much charisma, of the baby sitting, of the vacations, of how I will miss him. I guess the only reason why we hold onto memories so tightly for so long is because memories are the only things that don't change, even when people do. I am thrilled and excited about it. I know that if you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.......and that is all that really counts.

Last night my youngest grandson Scottie spent the night with me. Such an intertaining little fellow. We dined on pizza and pop, followed by ice cream bars. Isn't that what all grandmother's feed their grandchildren? A couple of hours of TV...... "Wipe Out", one of our favorites. Yes, it's things like this that memories are made of.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Mertle says: "Dear Santa: This year, please give me a big fat bank account and a slim body. And please, don't mix those two up like you did last year!"....Thanks.

Life takes us to unexpected places. Love brings us home.......

Today I decided with two weeks to go before I leave town, I better get out my Holiday receipts and start planning my family dinner. First book that popped up was "Take Two and Butter 'Em While They 're Hot!" (Heirloom Recipes and Kitchen Wisdom).

One page tells us "How to Tell If Company's Coming".......They know all of that way back then and didn't even have enternet...cells phones....etc. ? I wish my grandmother was still alive and I could verify some of these predicitions! Take two pieces of bread at one time, hungry company's coming........Drop a knife, a man's coming: a fork a woman.......If your nose itches, company's coming!.......Drop a dishrag, someone nastier than you is coming.......If a straw falls from a broom that's being used, company's coming........A rooster crowing at your back door means a caller.....When a spider builds a web in your house, expect a caller the same color as the spider.....If you drop a wet dish cloth and it falls loose, a woman's coming. If it falls in a knot, a man is coming????? Wow, how can I remember all that????

My grandmother Goff lived up the street and I think she would have easily quoted some of the above. The other grandmother, I only saw a couple of times I remember. She doesn't seem like a real grandmother to me. I wonder what my nine grandchildren think of me? I do say strange things but mostly what I read on email or see on TV or hear on Face Book.... probably will some day sound just as strange as my grandmother's list. Well, back to looking up how to make dressing.

Been a busy week with my first grandson turning 21 and a sweet call from him thanking me for the Birthdaypresent and telling me of the exciting things he is doing. Love that kid!

Well, back to hunting the recepts I was looking for.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Got an early morning call from my second grandson, Alex. "Grandma I got my mission call and I'm going to Brazil in April!" I knew it was coming and how can anything so good feel so bad at the time? Of course, I cried.....not because he is going, we prayed he would, but because that is so far away and two years seems so long and because I always cry when I am happy! My cousin's son and her nephew both went to Brazil and loved it, as many of William's fraternity brothers have also had their missions in Brazil. It will be the perfect place and he will learn portugese and be a wonderful missionary. I never had boys so this is a first for me. I also have four more potential missionaries coming suck it up cupcake and enjoy. He is a precious boy and has always had so much charisma. A quiet, hard worker that the people in South America will be lucky to know. He will miss the snow and snowmobiling, but in two years we will still be having snow in Utah!!!! Good luck, my sweet, sweet boy my love and heart will be with you, and I am so proud of your decision. How did you grow up so fast?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Mertle says: "When you go to your knees, God will help you stand up to anything."

I know each of us is an innkeeper and we must decide if there is room for Jesus.....hopefully your answer is yes.

I am determined to not let anything ruin my Christmas! I'm not sure how many more Christmases I will have. When you get to be almost 80, you don't even buy green bananas anymore.....At this time Christmas isn't shaping up as usual, but hopefully I can stand for anything? I was reading where Christmas music can spur production of mood-lifting neurotransmitters by reminding you of happy childhood memories. I love the Christmas music and it does make me feel better especially when I know the words and can sing along. Singing floods your body with feel-good endorphins that help squash the effects of stress harmons. Even the good ole candy cane with it's supply of peppermint oil, which contains active ingredients like menthol, menthone and cineol, helps sooth the intestinal wall. AND color studies show that slipping into some bright color, like red, draws favorable attention from others. And when you're condfident in your appearance, your mood will soar as the stress level plummets......So my plan for tomorrow is to go sit in the car and listen to Christmas carols and sing them all at the top of lungs,(that way no one can complain about my singing), I will munch a candy cane and wear my red sweater! So there, just try and ruin my day!

We are hoping tomorrow is D-day for our first missionary to find out where he will be going? We have tried to guess where we think it will be.....time will tell. Good luck Alex.

Monday, December 5, 2011

A 100 YEARS FROM NOW........

As I write this I can't help but wonder.......a hundred years from now how will I be remembered?????

It won't matter what kind of car I drive......

What kind of house I lived in......

How much money I had in the bank.....

Nor what my clothes looked like.......

But, the world may be a little better because I was important in the life of a child!

I hope I have influenced the life of my three children, my grandchildren, nieces and nephews, that they will remember me as being fun and kind and always there for them. This weekend I had a reminder that maybe....just maybe..... a few of the nieces and nephews recalled some times in the past that they remembered me with love and kindness and even some of my children and grandchildren think I might have made a few fun memories for them. All I can say is: I tried to do the best I could. I think GOD will give me credit for trying!

I realize you only live once, but if you do it right.......once is enough!

This week has been ruff, but ......when you go to your knees God will help you stand up to anything......

A fun day with one of my best friend, Patty.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


How often do I say, "I can't'? Is it easier than trying too, not caring one way or the other, or I cannot take the time or be bothered? Anyway with a New Year fast approaching I am going to try, try, try so there is no need for saying I can't. "This goodbye does not make me sad. I will not miss you. I have discovered what it feels like to do the unthinkable. The hard. The long. The challenging. You have no business here anymore. From now on, difficult will seem doable. I will see the impossible as simply not-yet-conquered. Farewell, Can't. You will haunt me never again. Hello, Can. Welcome to my world."

Isn't it interesting? An X-sister-in-law dies and after 25 years of having no contact with any of the family you send you daughter into complete orbit----because you didn't show up at the funeral. I have lived in my house for 25 years and I am in the phone book, etc. but wow, have any of them reached out to me? I got a message saying THEY all asked about you and wanted to see you.....I'm not sure who the they are, perhaps an out-of-town niece and the wife of a nephew. Well, Hello, I am right where I have been as I raised their nieces and cousins, had seven more grandchildren none of them acknowledged or barely even seen. The family walked out on my girls and I when their father did, of course loyalty in families is good. Well, suck it up cupcake, I am not going to be plied with guilt from a non-existent family out there.

It has started snowing and I know many of the boys in my family are doing the "snow-dance."

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Yes, I know we all have good days and bad days, but some days are worse than others. So I pray: Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill because they pissed me off!!!!!! Of course, that is just socially speaking, I have finally learned to "act" not to "react" when I am mad. I just look at the person coming down on me, and think 'they must really be having a bad day', and I am not going to let them ruin my day too. You find the yeller wants you to yell back and say all kinds of things that you don't really mean, but when we are attacted we learn to defend......or not! When someone is angry there is no way you can calmly point out your side of the conversation and win, so let it be upon their shoulders to work out their problems.

My daughter's aunt, Gertrude Peterson, was buried today. Gert is the last of their aunts and uncles on their father's side. She would have been 97 in January, but had alzheimers for many years. Funerals are sad, but some can be good.

Utah has just survived one of it's worst wind storms in many years. Up north was hit the hardest. My power was out for four hours, really makes you appreciate your morning hot coffee, toast and morning news on TV. We are a bit spoiled!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Mildred says: Treat everyone with politeness, even though they are rude to you----not because they are nice, but because you are!

Time is flying......Christmas is creeping upon us. I do have my house decorated and all my gifts wrapped, but I still have a very long "to-do" list before I'm out of here the 22nd. My favorite neighbor just ran in to borrow a cup of milk......I am so glad I live in a neighborhood where that still happens. Sherrie just called from Hawaii, to remind me to pick them up in the morning and see how Lillie Lu is doing? Isn't life interesting? As I decorate my favorite piece of driftwood with Christmas lights, it brings back the wonderful memories of my mother, who was the person that taught me about the character of driftwood. body is part mother loved driftwood and I have always been fascinated by it! It drifts with the tides, feeling what it feels, sees what it sees and hears what it hears along the way. Being shaped by its environment one day at a time. My drifting is not just in my town, my city, my state or my country , my drifting includes the currents of the world.

How many people do you know that are made of driftwood-----or wish they were? Driftwood has character---Interesting texture, shape, design, molded and formed by many experiences through the years as it is tossed and turned, left to dry in the sun, then picked up again and sweep along by the currents of life never knowing what tomorrow will bring. There are no two pieces of driftwood alike, as with people.....somehow I think driftwood has more fun!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Since I was a little girl one of my favorite songs was, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." I always thought somewhere out there in our big world there was this land "where the skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true!" I always had dreams and goals growing up and many of them have come true, but it isn't the magic world I had hoped for as a child.

Our journey through life to eventual end (in wherever you believe is the end) is our destination. Wouldn't it be sad to think after you have lived your life----then that was it? Most of us work hard to be all we can be so that when we reach our destination with God---it is a destination to work hard for. I guess Thanksgiving opens us up to what we are thankful for in our lives. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and my list is very long as to what I am thankful for today. I went to Little America for dinner and it was hard to believe there would be hungry people on that day. However, as we were driving to the hotel we passed the homeless shelter and the line was long as many lined up for their turkey dinner, and I was thankful they had a place to go, as I did. I was thankful I was with family, I had people who cared for me, how lucky I am. Thanksgiving sets the stage for the next holiday on our calendar and I hope we can help make someone less fortunate have a Merry Christmas.

Enjoyed a wonderful movie today, "The Descendents" with George Clooney. Wrapped Christmas presents and getting excited about a very busy December coming up. Life is good!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Long gone are the days of "over the hill and through the woods to grandmother's house we go.".....but I am so glad I had those times in my life as I was growing up. My grandparents lived up the street and grandma was a wonderful cook. My mother's brothers and their families came with cousins to play with. What we ate I do not remember, but the good times of being a family was great. I am going out to eat with my daughter and her familytomorrow. I offered to do the turkey thing, but was voted down,(thankgoodness). Three of my good friends also said they were going out to eat with their kids......I am trying to figure out why grandmother's don't cook family dinners anymore. I think one reason is now days families are strung all over and it seems senseless to cook a huge turkey and all the trimming for 4 to six people. Sherrie and her family flew off to Hawaii yesterday for the holidays, Pam is having a late dinner for Will and Tiff and Scott. Nicci is going to her boy friend's house in Indiana. Maybe to many different schedules to fit together. Oh well, as long as everyone gets to eat all they want and it does cut down on the poor turkeys who are sacrificed!
Karrie and I ran up to Park City to the outlets to finish up my Christmas shopping. Now to get it all wrapped and the house decorated. We are having early Christmas as Karrie's family is heading out on a cruise for Christmas. Yes, things are starting to change. Next Christmas Alex will be ona mission, the next year both Richie and Alex will be gone on missions. So I say, "suck it up cupcake, life is about changing."
Don't be sad it is ending........Just be glad it happened! Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


"The nicest thing about the future always starts tomorrow. Yes, in the future I am going to get more organized, I am going to lose some weight, I am going to be a better house keeper etc. etc. etc. It's always about tomorrow, but soon we run out of tomorrows. But I do have a very long "bucket list!"

Today I took the Christensons to the airport and they flew away for Thanksgiving in Hawaii......Brayden and Kennedy just got their scuba diving license so now they all can explore the bottoms of the ocean around Hawaii.

I'll just sit in the sun on the sand and be happy myself! Busy getting ready for Christmas, most the shopping is done, now to wrap the presents and decorate the house. A beautiful 51 degrees today.

I am so grateful for all I have and the life I have ended up with. I try to express my gratitude every day in my prayers for the wonderful things in my life. I am grateful for a safe warm home and a good bed every night. I am grateful I am never hungry. I am grateful for Happy strong children that love and care for me, for friends that call and check on me. That I live in a land that is free, that at my age I still have a good mind and body to be self sufficient! Health is everything......and I am grateful for a life of good health. I am grateful for each day God gives me and I hope I can give something back. Yes, Gratitude allows you to say, "Life is a gift." When you feel grateful, you feel worthwhile.....

Monday, November 21, 2011


Mildred says: Work for a cause, not applause....

Live life to express, not impress....

Don't strive to make your presence noticed,

Just make your absense felt!

Why do we continually cling to the past? The past is gone, except in our minds. When we dwell on past hurts, mistakes, or even joys, we can't focus on the present. No amount of thinking or worrying can change the past or recapture it and being it into the present. And mostly that is a good thing.

We should now say good-bye to the past, thanking all of our experiences for the lessons they brought us. Then we can concentrate on what is here and now. We can fully experience each new moment as it comes. We can also give our full attention to each new lesson as it is presented to us. Have I learned anything from my past experiences? Wow, have I? Have these experiences made my life better? You learn, you teach people how to treat you!!!!

As we turn our minds to each present moment, we find ourselvers recognizing the continuum of life. Who we are now is a result of past lessons learned. We don't need to remember the experiences that taught us the lessons,only the lessons themselves. AND we are where we are in life from the choices we have made....AND the choices our parents made! Assume the responsibilites of your choices....good or bad.....and move forward. Life is great.....and I love it!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I love learning something new everyday, this makes sense even though I can't prove it is true! Why the wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger. The Chinese give a beautiful explanation to this: The thumb represents your parents. The Index finger represents your siblings. The middle finger represents yourself. The ring finger represents your life partner. The little/pinky finger represents your children.

Hold your hands together. Join middle fingers tip-to-tip. Now try to separate your thumbs. They will separate because your parents are not destined to live with you forever. Now separate index fingers. They will separate because siblings have their own families and lead their own lives. Separate the pinky, they will separate because your children grow up and have their own families. Now try to separate your ring finger......they will not separte because your life partner is meant to be with you throughout your entire life! OH REALLY? Well, anyway I think it is the perfect answer to why we wear our ring on the finger we do.

Snowed last night and made my grandsons happy. I realize Christmas is about 35 days away. I have my shopping done, but odds and ends. I turned on my Christmas Tree lights tonight for the first time. Love, love, love Christmas Trees, brings back so many wonderful Christmases and happy times in my past. Got a lot done the past week, next big day Thanksgiving upon us.

Friday, November 18, 2011


God knows best.......Life does not let us slip through life without some kind of tragedy, supposedly to make us stronger and test us. To help us really know what we can and cannot handle.

No matter who we are or where we are on our path, tragedy can strike us or our loved ones. As Leo Buscaglia says "we cannot stop a hurricane, silence a storm, or keep a loved one from leaving us". These things and others, just happen."

It may be hard for us to understand why God allows tragedies to occur. We may feel betrayed. We may want to give up on God or this whole spirtuality business. We may wonder why we should bother working so hard at our spirtual growth, only to be ignored in our time of need.

But, after our grief and our anger, we can experience another feeling: acceptance.....God has wisdom and a plan we know nothing about. Letting go means accepting both the painful and the joyful gifts our Higher Power sends us. I know this is true and I say just have patience. After my husband of 30 years walked out on his family, I definitely was angry at God, but 25 years later I have lived through the hurt and pain and thank him for seeing what I did not. I accept life's tragedies with serenity now, knowing that I am on God's plan and he knows what is best for me. Good doctor appointment today, no bad news! Big storm due in tonight, but we have heard that before. Love my new Pinterest program.....thank you Sher!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Mertle says: "Just when I think I am learning patience, I realize it's just that I don't really give a shit!" When things go wrong or needs fixed, I want it taken care of NOW. My computer started doing strange things and I thought it might have a virus, so I took it in. Good news, not virus just needed a good cleaning out and adjusting. Had the attention of three very willing helpers answer the millions of questions I have about computers. The area manager Dave, the manager Whitney and the technicion David. I did end up buying a portable hard drive, had it programed into my computer so I just plug it in every night and it records all my happenings of the day on the hard drive, I can now delete a lot of stuff and make my computer faster and if my computer ever crashes or is stolen I can just take the hard drive in and put it in a new one.......At almost 80 I will never be able to keep up with all the fun stuff out there but with nice guys like the ones helping me today, I will survive!

Now about patience......we choose to be either patient or impatient many times each day. We have to wait for people, computers, traffic lights, and the preparation of food.Impatience doesn't make us feel better. It only makes us nervous, angry, and unable to enjoy ourselves. We learn patience by practicing it every day. When we drive up to a flashing light at railroadcrossing,stead of turning around and finding another route, we can wait. Try to wonder what's inside the boxcars, noticing signs of where they've been or where they're going. A quiet moment like this won't spoil our day or destroy our schedule. It just might help us,refresh us, calm us down, and remind us to be patient. However, anyone who has ever been married and had children........knows patience!

Friday, November 11, 2011


"Even doing nothing takes some planning."
In Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven, he explains that life is not your enemy, but your thinking can be. We must realize our minds are very powerful tools that can work for us or against us at any given time. We do have choices. We can learn to flow with life, or struggle against it and not try to change it. Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "we are spiritual beings having a human experience here on earth." Each one of us have the capacity to make this human experience all it can be in our lives, We all have challenges to face in our lives but we have the resources to live a happy, fulfilled life regardless of the challenges we face.
Our success as a human being does not lie in our collections of possessions or accomplishments. It does not lie in the details of our predicament, but in how we deal with what we have and how we face our challenges. When you are looking for an answer to your problem look for more than one answer. Allow your imagination to open up.......Take for instance the question ....."How do you keep a fish from smelling?" Ask a dozen people and you will get a different answer. 1. Cook it as soon as you catch it. 2. Freeze it. 3. Wrapped it in paper. 4. Leave it in the water. 5. Switch to chicken. 6. Keep a cat around. 7. Burn incense. 8. Cut of it's nose?????? Different words bring in different assumptions and lead your thinking in different directions. More answers, more options. Make good plans, and keep on track.
Richie coming over to clean up my back yard before the storm hits this weekend. Such a sweet-heart.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This little spider knows to survive you have to build a Firm Foundation!Last month I visited the St Paul's Chapel, the tiny 245-year-old stone chapel across thre street from Ground Zero. That little church has a bell that is famous just like the Big Ben and the Liberty Bell it is called St. Paul's "Bell of Hope". A message left on a near-by fence......"you have destroyed our buildings, but not our foundation." was seen. Now ten years later the buildings are slowly beginning to reappear, but what about our foundation? How strong is America's foundation "with a fragile economy, a dysfunctional government, devalued institutions and angry,dispirited citizens"? Yes, our nation's foundation needs some work. My generation watch everyday as America's foundation is slowly crumbling under Obama. This recession with everyone's homes being devaluated, our retirement savings being shrunk, and the unemployment rate among those over 55 is at historic highs, just when many need a job to see them through till life's end. Today my children and grandchildren have the challenge of restoring a foundation built on our shared history of inventiveness, freedom and sensitivity to others. Yes, St. Paul's is a very small church but it's contribution to mankind when it was needed is the foundation of our don't have to be the tallest, richest, brightest to be famous and contribute to the foundation of our wonderful country.
FYI......Women are angels....and when some one breaks our wings......we simply continue on a broom stick. We're flexcible like that!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


"Motherhood isn't something that just happens to you. It is a choice you make everyday, to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when your not sure what the right thing is......and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong."

Half the time your kids end up hateing you for at least five of their teenage years....but you can count yourself a success if they don't end up pregnant, in jail or on drugs and finish school. Do they thank you? Not right away.

Then as time marches on and your children find themselves in "Parenthood".... they start to look back on the "whens"and "wheres" of their younger days, they begin to view their youth as not so bad and their mother was not really the "Wicked Witch of thre West." You see God is really a fair and just God....and he has a way of controlling what goes around comes around. Soon you witness your children struggling like you did to do the right thing at the right time for the right people. They feel dumb and out of control at times, but know they can't quit trying. Time is the key word....give time and it takes time.

This cycle of children driving their parents crazy with late hours, undone homework, messy rooms, always needing a ride, money or a new pair of shoes. Wasting time on cell phones and texting, primpting and putting off chores are really wonderful tests put on parents, to see if they are really up to deserving these wonderful little spirits God trusts us with.

I am greatful God let me be a mother...."Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture." ( Kak Sri ) Yes, I loved being a mother.....but being a grandmother is even better!

A beautiful Sunday morning and I'm off to Panniers of dinner.

Friday, November 4, 2011


How do you discover the life of a place when you travel? I have been absolutely enchanted by doors all over the world.....when I see a closed door my radar goes I shut out or are they shut in? This elegant silver door was in the hotel I stayed in, in Bombay, India (Mumbai). I have had my picture taken with many doors this perhaps is the the most elegant, but not necessarily the most interesting.

My gypsie blood has taken me"Beyond the Borders", through many doors. I have learned, yes, museums hold many interesting things of the past, but don't pass by all you can see in the present around you. Talk to the locals: they live there and are proud of their city and can answer all your questions. If you go to the local bars or hangouts, this is where life is manifested.Strike up a conversation with some of the patrons, just have a good chat, enjoy the people. Never compare....don't compare prices, quality of life, means of transportation, food, accomodations. You are here to learn how others live and discover what they can teach you. Ship gifts home and avoid paying for ----and carrying---too much luggage. Realize you are not going to be able to see "everything", just enjoy what you can work into your schedule. Learn a few words of a new language and getting lost can be a great adventure, what you find my change your life.

I am looking forward to my next cruise in April and finding some neat doors with secrets behind them. Off to Mexican food tonight with Pam and maybe Tiff.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I was just reading something that made me chuckle: as they get older your kids become just like you and you don't like them, but your grandchildren are perfect! All I know is that my granddaughters are perfect. I have three granddaughters and six grandsons that I love dearly. Pictured here is Nicole, Andrea and Tiffany. This poem is for them; TO MY GRANDDAUGHTERS
I've traveled paths you've yet to walk, Learned lessons old and new.
And now this wisdom of my life, I'm blessed to share with you.
Let kindness spread like sunshine, Embrace those who are sad.
Respect their dignity, give them joy and leave them feeling glad.
Forgive those who might hurt you, And though you have your pride,
Listen closely to their viewpoint, Try to see the other side.
Walk softly when you're angry, Try not to take offense.
Invoke, your sense of humor, Laughter's power is immense!
Express what you are feeling, Your beliefs you should uphold,
Don't shy away from what is right, Be courageous and be bold.
Keep hope right in your pocket, It will guide you day by day,
Take it out when it is needed, When it's near, you'll find a way.
Remember friends and family, Of which you are a precious part,
Love deeply and love truly, Give freely from your heart.
The world is far from perfect, There's conflict and there's strife,
But you still can make a difference, By how you live your life.
And so I'm very blessed to know, The wonders you will do,
Because you are my granddaughters, And I believe in you. Thanks girls for being mine.....Gram

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Oh Yea, leaf raking time.....not! The first of November came in with a hefty snow storm down here in the soon melted but it was not welcome. Just don't get to serious about life, snow is upon us and we might as well face it. As they say "enjoy the sparkle of snow----as long as you don't have to shovel it!"

With the Thanksgiving season fast approaching we need to feel the gratitude for all we have, be thankful. In fact, new research shows that people keeping a gratitude journal sleep better and have more good moods and a stronger sense of connection to others.......As Thanksgiving approaches, I will try to become more receptive, aware and full of gratitude. Even the simplest things can become reasons for thanksgiving when we are in the mindset of gratitude. I don't need to shovel the snow of my past, but I can enjoy the sparkle of the present. It is easier to focus on the good----what I do have, what I can do, what is still good in the world---if I remember that everything is in God's hands, after all. I just talked to a very old and dear friend who lost her husband a month ago, she is struggling....I wish I could help her, but all I can do is be there for her, reassuring her, this to will pass. At 6:15 this morning I was awaken by a call: "Is this Betty Peterson?" "Yes" "well this is Jim something or the other and I just want you to know I am putting Debra's clothes out on the curb for the truck to pick up "Me, "and is Debra your wife?" " No, she is your daughter!" Well, I told him I did not have a daughter named Debra and we concluded he had the wrong Bettty Peterson......I will never know why Debra's clothes were being disposed of and if her mother was ever informed. Gratitude.....I was the wrong Betty Peterson! but the mystery lingers on. Have gratitude this winter, even if you have to shovel.......

Monday, October 31, 2011


How and where on earth did this holiday become popular? Thousands of dollars and many hours are spent on the costumes for just one night's excitment.

Halloween is an anual holiday observed on Oct. 31st. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain, and the Christian holiday, All Saints Day but, today it is largely a nonsecular celebration.

The festival of Samhain celebrates the end of the "light half" of the year and the beginning 0f the"darker half." The ancient Celts believed the border between This World and That World.....became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits (both harmful and harmless), to pass through. It was felt the warding off of the harmful spirits could be done by dressing up in costumes and masks. All the elements of the autumn season such as pumpkins, corn husks and scarecrows are very prevalent.

Traditional characters are ghosts, witches, skeltons, vampires, werewolves, demons, bats and black cats. Black and orange are the colors of night and fire. Went to Pam's house to let her dog out last week and found the Panniers are really in the holiday spirit, (her house.)

Had a busy grandchild weekend: Took Kennedy to Speech Therapy on Friday and got to see my sweet Alex as he was trying to come around after having four wisdom teeth pulled. He was so funny. Saturday I was off to decorate for the Morp Dance at Brighton High for Annie and kept Scott that night. Sunday morning off to church for the Primary Children's Program and this morning off to watch Scott in the Halloween Parade at school. I cherish each and everyone of these encounters! Well, being the last day of the month, guess I better tackle the pile of bills next. Happy Halloween, having beautiful weather........

Friday, October 28, 2011


The circle of Life is made up of "Choices and Consequences." Every choice has a consequence to deal with, every consequence in turn makes you make a new choice! It is a never ending circle.

"Have you ever looked at a great farm gate that opens and closes? If you look at the hinge, it moves ever so little. Just a little movement of the hinge creates tremendous consequences out of the perimeter. That is the way it is with our lives. It is the little decisions that make the great differences in our lives."

Remember your mother said: Don't judge your days and life by how much you accomplish but by the kindness given and received. (I think of Margo's thank you note for making Christmas stockings for all her children when they were born and her son's request for her to do the same for his children. That thank-you note meant alot after 14 years of not hearing from her......and yes, I sent her my pattern.) As you pass through your years you will find the best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness (Don), To an opponent--tolerance, to a friend--your heart and to a child a good example. To live till you die is to live long enough! Just remember Elegant in the journey is Exquisite in the arrival......or whatever! As the years pass there is no time to deal in "if's" and "could be's"

Alex had his wisdom teeth out today and he was so cute as he tried to come out of the anesethic......he had Sherrie and I rolling. Took Ken in for speech therapy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I love my daily routine! Yes, it is very dull and most people would opt out, but I feel very comfortable with it. Sleep in, yes I sleep in.....till about 7:30. I always got up and saw all my children off to school or got to work on time when I needed to, now I don't need to. I get my paper, turn on TV to CNN and have my first cup of coffee. The newspaper is getting to be a bit of nothing, but I need to see what is going on locally and internationally. I admit we have become scanners for information, picking and choosing from the media salad bar like finicky children. I check the headlines, Kirby, kinda skim over the usual killings, robbings and wrecks. I have given up the comics for the obituaries in my old age. I am not from Utah (I grew up in Colorado) so don't know many of the people that pass each day, but am interested in what year they were born so I see how old the average age is!!!!!! I read my horiscope and plunge into the daily suduko. Check out the new receipts, don't know why I have no intention of trying any of for one is no fun!

So far we have had the choice of 2 media salad bars, one what the Republicans are doing (voting for Mitt so don't even go there) and having to listen to or read about Obama's latest NEW PROGRAM???? Sorry I had to miss Elaine's funeral and party but just wasn't up to crossing paths with my X even though I have wrapped him in a box and dropped him into the bottom of -my emotional ocean.....And as I finish this I stare at the tired white-faced clock on the wall as it hands me the minutes of my life-----one by one----what do I do with them? Toss them aside or cherish them ....yes, I cherish them. Tomorrow coffee with Ruth and Patty!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


These two ladies viewing this very famous lady standing guard in the harbor came from different parts of the world. Little did we know growing up in the small town in Colorado that some day together we would meet Miss Liberty. Leslie and I spent two fun-filled days in New York enjoying her many sights. The statue has to be a high-light of any trip to New York. This is a view from the Staten Ferry, but you still get the meaning of the wonderful poem written about the the people who first sailed into the harbor and into freedom. Lady Liberty is getting high-tech gifts for her 125th birthday; web-cams on her torch that will let viewers gaze out at New York and read the tablet in her hands or see visitors on the grounds of the island below. The statue, designed by sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, was given by the French government to the U.S. as a token of friendship between the two countries and dedicated by Pres. Grover Cleveland. She has a very impressive poem in her honor: "THE NEW COLOSSUS" Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land, Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand. A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lighting and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command, the air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores. Send these, the homeless tempest-lost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Emma Lazarus 1883. Had a nice lunch with Kortney today.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I didn't know that! They have same-name clubs........Having the name Betty is the only requirement to join the bevy of Bettys who belong to 15 regional chapters across the country and gather every April for camaraderie and companionship with their namesakes. Their names tie them together. The first Betty Club was founded in Hastings in 1994. The conventions are a hodge-podge of vintage aprons, reports on individual chapters, charitable projects, group portraits and the club's anthem "Betty's a Star" written by member Betty Surls 73, of Lincoln. Celebrating their old-fashioned name is important to Bettys. During the 1920s and 1930s, Betty was one of the most popular names in America, glamorized by cartoon character Betty Boop, homemaker Betty Crocker and Hollywood starlets Bette Davis, Betty Grable and Betty White. "Years ago, men used to say, 'She's a Betty!" which meant 'Wow, She's a hottie!' All of my almost 8o years I felt Betty was a very common name, but was called Betty Ree. Now I can feel when I was hatched my parents went for one of the most popular names of that day......born in 1932.....I don't think they even name cats or dogs Betty today. Oh yes, they do have Bob clubs, Linda clubs, there is a Jim Smith Society. Most of the same-name clubs can meet anywhere, but the Phil Campbells head to Phil Campbell, Alabama (pop. 1,148).


Sunday, October 23, 2011


Been home from vacation for a week and enjoying the fun memories. New York is still my favorite stop, the energy you feel when you stand in Time Sqauare is hard to explain, but our last stop Halifax, Nova Scotia was very interesting. This is a picture of Peggy's Cove and Light House. The famous lighthouse is surrounded by the raging seas of the Atlantic Ocean, and sits on solid granite at the entrance to St. Margaret's Bay. The original lighthouse, built in 1868, was replaced by the present one in 1914. During World War II, the lighthouse served as a radio station for the Royal Canadian Navy. In 1973 the lighthouse officially became a Post Office during the summer months with its own Cancellation Stamp. This area is one of the most picturesque harbours in Atlantic Canada. There are a few summer residence dotting the area, but no one stays around during the winter.

Another very interesting bit of history was visiting the Fairview Lawn Cemetry where 200 passengers from the "Titanic" were buried 100 years ago. Happening 20 years before I was born I have always known of the "Titanic" and it's terrible fate. On April 10, 1912, the Titanic left on her maiden voyage with over 2,200 passengers and crew members aboard. Four days later, she struck an iceberg south of Newfoundland. She sank in 2 hours and 40 minutes. Just over 700 survivors in life boats were rescued by the Carpathia and taken to New York. Newfoundland was closest to the ship but had no facilities to bring in the bodies so Nova Scotia went out and got as many as they could find. The grave stones in the cemetary are placed like a ship. Each head stone has a number, indicating when it was taken from the water, some have names, many could not be identified. No, it is not just a "Movie" really happened and the cememtery brings it back to you. Tonight is Spegetti Factory Night! Celebrating Scott's BD.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Just read an interesting article about being left-handed. All my life before marriage I only remember one person who was left-handed and that was my favorite Aunt Betty Keller. I have since learned a lot about left-handed people as I married a man who was left handed, and two of my three daughters are left handed and my first grandchild is left handed. I remember when my first daughter came home from school in the first grade she apologized for her messy paper, because the teacher made her use her other hand. I went to school the next day and informed the teacher, I did not want them to try and change her from being left-handed. From then on there never was a problem at school. When the twins were born 11 years later, they ended up being "Mirror Imagine" twins. One is right handed and one is left handed, so when they face each other they are using the same hand. School had changed by the time they started school and no one suggested Karrie write with her other hand. Many famous and talented people have been left handed. Their advantage is scientifically based on how the brain works. Each side of the brain specializes in different activities, a process called lateralization, which has been researched for 35 years in Md. Lefties have more bilateral brain activity, which can be an advantage in visualizing and solving problems. Klar's research suggests that a single dominant gene determines right-handedness. People who don't inherit the right-hand gene have an equal chance of being right or left handed. Lefties take pride in being themselves, while acknowledging the aggravations of our right handed world of fountain knobs, regrigerator doors, can openers, pruning shears, guitars etc.
My sister informed me she read my last blog and I put Mike's first wife Lauren in instead of his second wife Andrea. Sorry Andrea, old habits die hard, especially when your pushing 80. I tried hard the whole cruise to get it right!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Last night was bridge club for me, so I was sleeping in this morning when I got a call from my youngest grandchild......"Hi grandma, it's my birthday!" It was my Scott Calvin Cook to remind me it was his birthday.....big #10.....I sang happy birthday to him and promised to be over after school with a present for him. He even invited me to come to his sleep-over with his friends, now how many grandmothers get an invitation like that from their cute grandsons? We are very good friends. I think when your grandchildren love you and enjoy having you in their lives then your life is a success. He was and is the cutest thing with a personality that doesn't stop. He plays football, basketball and Lacross and swims and loves being with his friends. I look forward to more years of fun with my last grandchild as I watch him grow into a great young man.

Life without God is like an un-sharpened pencil.........It has no point!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Just spent a week on a cruise with a whole bunch of relatives. You can choose your friends, but you just inherit your relatives. After seven days you pretty well see a lot of moods you were not aware these people had. Most of us got along, but there were a few marital spats.......most of the group were a lot younger than I was and keeping up was a bit of a struggle at times. I am still trying to get rested. We started in New York as I wrote about in my last blog then boarded Carnival Glory for a 7 day Canada Cruise. It stopped at Boston MA, Portland ME, Saint John New Bruswick, and Halifax, Nova Scotia. I had done all that once before, but was desperate to cruise again. We had the above picture taken the dress-up night, (Leslie almost cut off) Seemed everyone had their own itenerary. Jim liked movies and ball games in his room, Linda wandered. Tami and Kevin and Leslie kept heading to the casino. Mike and Lauren wanted to go somewhere quiet and dance (and be alone). K0rina and Bill kinda went their separate ways. Bill didn't like the big group and kept disappearing, leaving Kina alone. But I was pretty much alone so we hooked up alot. We all met for dinner at 6, and then we were on our own! The weather was nice the whole trip which makes cruising more fun. It was a long day at Kennedy Airport waiting for our 7 PM flight home. Pam and Rob met me in Pam's brand new Lexus, dark blue, with all the trimmings. Talked to Karrie , loved Gigi and fell into bed.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I am home after my 10 day trip......and there is no place like home. We popped off to New York City two days before our cruise and had a great time. Leslie and I saw the "Book of Mormon", which I adored and cannot see why part of the Mormon community refused to see it! I could see why it won the the Tony Awards. The music was fabulous. Then the second night we saw "War Horse" which was great with it's mechanical horses. The guys liked it. Leslie didn't, but I did. Hey, any Broadway Show is a thrill to me. We walked a hundred miles and I am still paying for it. Didn't realize we needed a ticket to see the Reflection Pools at Ground Zero, so couldn't get in. I was very disappointed. We toured the Trinity Church and St Pauls, Hiked down to the dock and took the ferry to Staten Island so got good pictures of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Saw the demonstrators in front of the Stock Market exchange. Loved Time Square at night with all the bright lights. Our hotel was small, but we had a great location with a wonderful Deli next door. Five people in one room was very cozy.......I didn't get much shopping in as I was with a bunch from Winslow that don't shop. They did feel sorry for me and found a small shopping corner with many Kiosks. Yes, I love New York and the shows. The last time the three girls and I were there, we saw Wicked and Moma Mia, another memorable trip. Some bad news today a very good friend Elaine Sorsenson died. She was my sister-in-law's sister, Elaine was 92. I will get to the cruise next time.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Counting the hours.....

Well, the big day is almost here and counting down the hours now, not the days before I'm off to New York City for a couple of days before boarding our cruise up to Canada with my sister and other family members. We ended up with a fun group of 10 family members, some never have been to New York and several have not cruised before so that makes it even more fun. We have tickets for the Mormon Musical and for War Horse and a fun day of sight seeing. Karrie weighted my suitcase tonight and I was only at 35 pounds so that means I can shop 15 more pounds. I have done this cruise only from Quebec to New York, but cruises are fun no matter where you go. I will miss my Gigi, she looks so beautiful after her grooming at Petco Monday. She loves Karries house and her two big dogs.
It turned cold and rainy today but I think we are going to have cold weather back east. Well, guess I better get busy and finish my last minute chores, tomorrow will be a long day.....More when I get home.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Every house should have a "listening chair". A chair can be of any size, form or color, but it needs to be tucked into a quiet corner and very comfortable. It should be available most any time day or night. No TV, records, family traffic and the cat must know it is yours......When you are in it the person must have your undivided attention. Be made to feel loved, important and special. The old chair will never tell the secrets it hears or spread the troubles of the house. It always welcomes some laughs along with the tears. Where is your listening chair? When I think of listening chairs I think back about the big rocking chair in my grandmother's front room. In fact there were two big rocking chairs, one for grandma and one for grandpa. They would pull them up near to the old pot bellied stove and read or listen to the radio. One was always available to us children who lived down the street and when things didn't go right it wasn't far to grandma's house where she always listened to "our" side. By the time we had cried it out and told her our sad story, along with a nice fresh roll and butter we would be sent back down the street to our home feeling much better. Leslie got grandma's old rocking chair, but lent it to me to rock the twins when they were babies. I don't know who got grandpa's chair. I think this is such a good idea and should extend into all families and all ages. Feeling a little better today, hope the medicine is working as I only have one more day to get better before my trip! Finishing up the packing and last minute chores.

Monday, October 3, 2011


September seemed to fly and October just slip in. October is special because I got my second granddaughter in October and my last grandson. My second son-in-law, Darren has a birthday as did my wonderful father. At the left is Nicci and since day one was always a firecracker. She has a very nice boyfriend, Bill which we all love and a new puppy Oliver! Happy Birthday Nicci......whose birthday was yesterday Oct. 2. All week I have really felt crappy and finally the girls talked me into going to the doctor today only after spending two hours sitting, I found I have an ear infection. I am leaving on a 10 day vacation Thursday and do not want to start out sick, so I am on antibiotics for 10 days. Here's hoping I get better fast. Gigi had her first trip to the groomers today and looks beautiful. Clean ears, clipped nails and a good brushing and a bath. She smells and looks very nice, but isn't too happy with me. Went up to the Christenson's cabin yesterday with the Cooks, the fall leaves were so pretty around Park City. They had their horses there and they had a fun horse ride. Today has been my start of count down to get packed and ready for my New York trip and cruise up to Canada. Yea!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

There are no other Me's

Yesterday was bridge day....and we were all lamenting getting older......and finally came to the conclusion that the major cause of aging is:....Birthdays! We voted to quite having them.

On the way up the canyon to Mae's house we took in the beautiful colored leaves, nature in full charge. This caused me to wonder what is nature's greatest miracle and I have decided I am nature's greatest miracle.....Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today, and none that will come tomorrow will walk and talk and move and think exactly like me. All men are my brothers, yet I am different from each one. None can duplicate my brush strokes, none can make my chisel marks and non can duplicate my handwriting. I am a unique creature of God. I am rare, and there is value in all raity, therefore I am valuable. I am the end product of thousands of years of evolution: so I am better equipped in both mind and body than all the emperors and wise men who preceeded me. But, our skills, our minds, our hearts and our bodies will stagnate, and die unless we put them to good use. We have unlimited potential. We use only a small portion of our brains and flex only a small amount of our muscles. Yes, we are God's greatest miracles. We are not on this earth by chance. We are here for a purpose and the purpose is to grow into a mountain. Therefore, we should try to become the highest mountain of all. All our problems, discouragement, and heartaches are in truth, great opportunities in disguise. So realize how special and different you are and try for the biggest mountain you can become.

Monday, September 26, 2011


What's in a name? I just read my nieces blog and was inspired as usual by her testimony and love of God. She was talking about a book "21 Days Closer to Christ" how it had in spired her. Day two talked about the different names Jesus was called.....and about knowing the importance of your name, honoring it and being true to it. Be sure your name brings honor to yourself and your family always being able to know and be confident that when someone hears your name, they will have good thoughts of you and know you are a good person, respectable, honorable, dependable, charitable, sincere, faithful and all you can be.

I have always loved my name and been proud of it. Betty Marie Yeomans! Yeomans being English and rather noble sounding. My little sister called me Betty Ree when she started talking and I went through life being Betty Ree Yeomans. Little brother called me Bobo, but thank goodness it didn't stick, but the nickname Buttons did stick for many years. Through my years I was glad I wasn't Smith, Jones or Woods, but would you believe I married and become I am one of a million Betty Petersons! After my 30 years of marriage crashed I could have easily gone back to my wonderful name of Yeomans-----but didn't-----now 25 years later it is to late to bother. In my mind I will always be Betty Ree Yeomans and I hope leave good thoughts and a good picture of the person I have tried to be and made my family proud I carried their name. Worked in the yard and made a list a mile long of things that I must do before my trip in 10 days. Leslie called and I always love talking to her.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Want vs Need

Yesterday I went to a financial meeting by Merrill Lynch. The topic was "Want vs Need"-----geared for children and grandchildren.

In todays tough times we really have to think twice when it comes to spending our money. It's no fun questioning every cent we spend. Do we need this or do we just want this? Want is a very strong "urge". Oh, I want those shoes, that coat, that necklce. Do we need it--probably not---at home we have a closet full of shoes, a jewlery box full of necklaces and a dozen jackets and coats that would keep us warm. But, we are use to buying what we want--a bigger TV, a newer car or a bigger house. Thank goodness, I was born and raised in the days when there were no TVs, you drove your car until it quit and could no longer be repaired and you were thankful you had a home, whatever the size. My children have heard these stories and have been pretty good to look at "Need vs Want" --but I am afraid we need to do some re-educating on the next generation--my grandchildren. The world is becoming a real mess with money becoming scarce and hard to earn. They may have to learn the meaning of "Want vs Need" the hard way. It costs nothing to want but we need to rethink need or not need sometimes. The Cooks and the Christensons have been trading the first colds of Fall back and forth. Alex is hobbling around on crutches because of a sprained ankle. I am enjoying the 80degree days of Fall.