Sunday, January 31, 2010

Recombobulate your life....................

I find the definition of recombobulate is : 1. to put something back the way it was or proper working order. 2. To gather one's thoughts or composure.
It seems to me that this is a very good word for our lives and even our world. Look at Haiti, it definitely needs some recombobulting. The United States is falling apart at an alarming rate, and in almost every area needs people to gather their thoughts or composure and get us back on the right track, the true one that we as older Americans know and have lived for the past many years.
Each day I say to my self: It's time to recombobulate your life, your day, an hour. Be in control, plan and arrange it. Some days you feel things are not in working order and it does cause problems. When you get to thinking about something wrong, that only grows and adds unrest and confusion to your life. Stop and recombobulate! And when you see the sign at the airport that says "recombobulation Area", you know it's where you put your shoes and jackets back on and put all the stuff back into your suit case that was taken out, rearranged and left for you to "put back the way it was."
Today I am thankful for the family I grew up with and the many that still love and include me in their lives. Chase had the lead in a fun play last night "Urine Town" and my sister, nieces and nephews were all there.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Letter have been cherished through the years. I have saved letters from my mother, who did most the keeping in touch. After mother died I got some letters from my Father, I have one from my grandmother congratulating me on my first born. I have a couple of love letters I have saved from my X before we were married, proof that maybe one day we really were in love. I have a few letters from my children when they were small and went to camp or visiting away from home. Today, no more letters. I get phone calls, tex messages or emails. I do cherish the Birthday, Valentine or Mother Day cards I still receive regularly with two or three lines, but there will never be the long newsy letters in the hand writting of loved ones to hand down to their children or grandchildren.
Now it is easier to pick up the phone, tex or email to share a short message. No one has the time, or takes the time to think out a good letter. Things like punctuation, spelling etc. are things of the past. The fewer the letters in a tex message the more proficient the sender. The computer can correct spelling mistakes on your email. So soon spelling will be a thing of the past.
I think of the hours of penmanship young children endured in their early school years. Do they even have penmanship in school anymore?
In every store there are boxes of beautiful writing paper. I occasionally buy them for gifts. What has happened to the big box of plain white envelopes, the writing tablets and the affordable postage?
The new generation does not relate to the thrill of a letter from someone you love. I am trying to keep up with this modern world and yet sometimes I long to write a nice long letter to one of my children or grandchildren. Would they think I was really losing it? Would they think, why doesn't she just pick up her cell phone and call or tex or email us. Well, maybe cause I don't know how. Well. I do kinda! I guess if I'm going to stay connected to the family, I better almost 78. I just don't know how to spell in tex! I could write a whole page by hand while I am trying to write a sentence in tex.
What am I thankful for today? I have some precious letters tucked away in a drawer I can get out and read and feel a connection with the long gone writer.......over and over and over again!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finally Some Sunshine

Beautiful sunny day.............finally. I even got brave and went out and washed my car. I am reading Sue Grafton's U book and there goes the laundry for the day. Also, working on redoing "Spotty Dot" so I can get it printed up on Shutterfly. I am determined to see that children's book in print, I promised Mother.
I was inspired by Pam Scarpelli's article in the paper today. She owns a plus-size consignment store. She said: "I grew big." "I did not grow ugly, or stupid or lose my good taste." Yes! So come on friends, a few pounds does not a loser make. The best reason for losing weight is for your health's sake.............and you have a closet full of clothes that don't fit anymore. Back to the diet tomorrow.
I am committed to being grateful for something each day. Today I am grateful for a break in our long cold wintery month of January, and the beautiful snowy mountains with sun shinning on them.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

And God said "No"

As I sit here and listen to Obama's State of the Union Speech........I want to pray, dear God let him resign!!!!!! I know God answers all my prayers and sometimes says "No".
"I asked God to take away my pride, and God said "No". He said it was not for him to take away, but for me to give up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole, and God said "no". He said his spirit is whole. His body is only temporary. I asked God to grant me patience, and god said "no". He said that patience is a by product of tribulation. It isn't granted, it is earned. I asked God to grant me patience, and God said "no". He said that patience is a by product of tribulation. It isn't granted, it is earned. I asked God to give me happiness and God said "no". He said he gives blessings, happiness is up to me. I asked God to spare me pain, and God said "No". He said suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to him. I asked God to make my spirit grow, and God said "no". He said I must grow my own, but he will prune me and make me fruitful. I asked God if he loved me and God said "yes". he gave me his only son, who died for me. And I will be in Heaven someday because I believe. I asked God to help me love others as much as he loved me, and God said.........."Ah, finally you have the idea." I guess God will say "no" to my request so I can only hope I live long enough to see Obama out of office!!!!!

And God said "No"

Monday, January 25, 2010

Coffee Break

Time passes, Life happens, Distance separates, Children grow up, Jobs come and go, Love waxes and wanes, Men don't do what they are suppose to do, Hearts break, Parents die, Colleagues forget favors, Careers end, BUT Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach. Today two old and very dear friends came over for 10:30 in the morning, it took us until till 4:00 pm to work through everyone's problems. With trusted friends you can let it all hang out without fear of being judged. One friend is having a breast off in a few days because of cancer, she aired her fears........that she didn't want to burden her family with. We offered suggestions on inventing a new bra to hold her cell phone, garage door opener and even a colapsable straw and bottle of coke.....(we could get rich). The other friend has the problem of a small place with three grown children and a grandchild, who refuses to go to school, moved home and her husband trying to run his business out of the house, she has no space of her own or quiet time. She also is on call for her 90 something mother who always seems to need something. She is full time maid on call and has no life of her own. We ran out of time before we got to my problems, and after theirs mine didn't so bad. If nothing more, we spent a fun day just supporting each other and knowing, life isn't always easy for any of us. hurrah for good friends!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have just found out I can have my blogs printed into a book and so will not lose these wonderful(? ) writings that I have been enjoying putting on paper. I am very excited about this and won't have to keep printing them for future reference. I love to write, Journaling has been my passion and I would love to teach it someday. This is a thought I keep close by: "When I write I slip into the page of print as if it were water.........and the pen or computer is the current that carries me to where I want to go, not sure at first, but with each word the momentum of my thoughts pick up speed, so does the pen and soon I am at my journey's end when the thought or picture I am painting is on the page. Yes, that is what it is like to write for me." I write, write, write. I would like to write a children's book, and have several in mind. Right now I am putting together a children's book on a poem my mother wrote. I am doing the art work and will turn it over to Shutterfly to see my results soon I hope. It is fun to learn something then pass it on to others, did you know Cayambe, Ecuador is at the center of the world and the Cotapoxi is the highest active snow covered volcano in Ecuado? I have beern lucky enough to see them both. I must end each blog with something I am grateful for and this can also serve the purpose of being a Gratitude Journal for me: I am grateful for my warm, safe home on this cold wintery night.

Friday, January 22, 2010

"Budget Travel"

Just the sound of those two words give me a high..........."Travel" is my favorite word, then add "Budget" a magic word in our vocabulary. We invision money pilling up around us. When we do it "budget wise" there is lots more for lots less...We all make our own pictures of budget! Sad to say, many people do not know this word. Many people do not want to know this word! To them it means less than, sacrifice of something they don't want to sacrifice. But.........many of our "Real Millionaire next door" people are real. They drive old cars, remodel their homes, take their lunch to work in a brown sack and only have one or two suits. They know about budgets.
The class of people who love Budget Travel are curious, educated, love people, and new and different things. They are willing to take a chance, are adventuresome and have fun. These lucky people love rubbing shoulders with the natives and their cultures. They eat new foods, travel in strange and different ways. They witness many strange accommodation. There are bathrooms down the hall, out back or only two foot steps and a hole in the flooor. So what? It's not forever,(thank goodness, especially when you have bad knees.) These people try new languages, food and customs and love the challenge of the different money they encounter.
I feel lucky to be one that can travel budget out of choice, not necessity. Many would stay home if they could not travel first class. Hilton Hotels, conceirges, room service, guided tours that tell them what to buy and where to buy it. These people could just as well stay home, sleep in their own little beds and watch a film on the country of their interest.
Yes, I have found in my many years of traveling the world........."All people smile in the same language." I have enjoyed my 120+ countries, 48 states and 6 continents and ready for more!

Budget Travel

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Forever........I will keep in my mind the picture of me sitting in a big leather chair in front of a huge window, feet propted up on the "Island Princess" watching the waves come and go. Such a peaceful, de-stressing and comfortable afternoon as I let all my anger, dissapointments, frustrations, sadness, discouragement, fears and faded dreams wash away with the waves. The Universe will take care of them. The big question is: can I sit back in my chair of life by the window and be unemotional and non-judgemental as I watch waves, clouds and time go by with no concern of ego. The EGO, or who "I AM".
I am not my birth certificate..... The map is not the territory....The picture is not the person.... The notes are not the music. My birth certificate identifies me, so do my passport and drivers, but they are not me..........EGO.
Can I sense the I AM that I AM at this moment? Can I sense my essential identity as con-
sciousness itself, or am I losing myself in what happens, losing myself in MIND, or the World.
The underlying emotion that governs all the activity of ego or "I AM" is fear. The fear of being nobody, being alone, non-existing, the fear of death.
Why fear anything? Because the EGO or "I AM" arises by identification with form and deep down knows that no form is permanent. We will die, our kids will grow up and leave us, we will lose a pet, a parent, a job and perhaps our health. These are our fears, let them float by as the sea and the clouds do in our lives. What do I fear? Not having another birthday or two........

Monday, January 18, 2010


The United States has a huge population of wannabees! At one time or another in our life we all are guilty. I wannabe 6 to go to school....I wannabe 16 to drive......I wannabe 21, so no one can tell me what to do. I wanna, wanna, wanna all through life, be married, have kids, get rich, live in a big house and drive a nice car, get through school, get a good job, lose weight, be healthy, etc, etc. etc. I am finally, at my age, cutting down my list of wanntabees. I have a wonderful home, I have enough to eat, and hopefully enough money to take care of myself until I die. I know in my heart that I will never be thin again, or as healthy as I would like, age does that to a person. I will accept that. I hope I can accept where I am in life, and know "I am where I am in life from the choices I made, (and the choices my parents made.) I am thankful that I had two wonderful, healthy, nice looking and healthy parents that got to together, from them I have had good genes to pass to my children and grandchildren. I have had good health, a good mind, live in the freedom, I am white, (which have given me many blessings others have not had), I have had heart aches, but they have made me stronger......I love God and am a Mormon. My father was a Methodist and my mother a Mormon, I was baptized and I passed it on to my girls. (we are where we are in life because of the choices of our parents....and their parents.) Being a wannabee is not good or bad, it just is...........

Friday, January 15, 2010

Movin On...............

Found my big hopes of getting on Photoshop won't happen for at least another 30 days..... That will make it the middle of February. I have to get with the new technology........take good pictures and upload them straight into the computer, adobe shop them, then send them on. It seems they lose something when printed from the camera then scanned back into the computer to send on. I am struggling with this, but it is a new goal. Thanks to Tiff for cheering me on and helping me climb the mountain of computer knowledge, being a couple of centuries behind! I am not technologically impaired. I can turn off and on the TV, computer, and cell phone! I Will concentrate on printing a little book of Spotty Dot!
The metaphorming process can be described by using the acronym. Metaphorm means:
C....connect R.......relate E........explore A.....analyze T......transform.... E....experience.
I will not worry about what I don't want or have, but worry about what I do want, and work toward it. I have always been eager to go anywhere, as long as it is forward......a thought from Dr. Livingston. We are all sad about Haiti and they many people that were killed.............

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mass Confusion

When you say you can't teach "old dogs" new tricks...........I really am believing it's true! I am struggling with Photoshop and how to adjust my photos best for publishing. I'd like to blame it on the weather, which is cold, gunky and hard to breath. I tried Kirby's suggestion...."If you can't bring yourself to go outside just yet, get a sunlamp and pretend you're catching some rays on a tropical beach. Smear yourself with sun block and flush 4,000 bucks down the toilet to heighten the illusion of being in Hawaii." I didn't flush 4,ooo, and for some reason I couldn't get with the dream. I have made a decision I will not give up and will eventually master the photoshop if it kills me.......and it might! I tell myself, Betty when you were young you learned to drive a car, learned Spanish, learned to type, learned to read notes and play the piano, learned to play bridge........which is huge. I learned to skii (kinda), water skii, bowl, roller skate, ice skate, sorry I never did learn to swim or golf very well. Why is the computer so challenging. I have kinda learned to use my digital camera, Ipod, cell phone, texing, facebook, my blog......but this new challenge may do me in. Tiff, I need you!!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Excited about my Life!

Just signed up for a fun new hobby, (maybe make a little money), taking and submitting photos for sale. And a renewal to get "Spotty Dot" made into a book. I need to see it in print before I die. I am motivated for the new year to do some new things worthwhile, besides knit prayer shawls for needy people.
"Geniuses are Able to see what many miss. They see possibilities in the impossible" A Genius uses "Blooms Taxonomy."
1. Knowledge - what we get in school.
2. Comprehension - How we undestand this knowledge, (Many people stop here.)
3. Application - If you understand, how do you apply it in your life?
4. Synthesis - Taking what you know (the something) and making something else out of it. (Experimenting in other ways it can be helpful to you or others.)
5. Evaluate - Is it worth my time or energy? What do I get from this? What parts are good, better, best? How or where can I use this in my life?
6. Analysis - Reason for it. take it apart before you make a decision. (Last four are the higher levels of Knowledge - few people use the last four levels.)
Is there a "connection" between the above and a genius? I don't want to be a genius, just get the most out of what I know and learn from now on.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pretty Good

There once was a pretty good student, Who sat in a pretty good class.
And was taught by a pretty good teacher, Who always let pretty good pass.
He wasn't terrific at reading, He wasn't a whiz-bang at math,
But for him, education was leading, Straight down a pretty good path.
He didn't find school too exciting, But he wanted to do pretty well,
And he did have some trouble with writing, Since nobody taught him to spell.
When doing arithmetic problems, Pretty good was regarded as fine.
5+5 needn't always add up to be 10, A pretty good answer was 9.
The pretty good class that he sat in, Was part of a pretty good school,
And the student was not an exception; On the contrary, he was the rule.
The pretty good school that he went to, Was there in a pretty good town,
And nobody there seemed to notice, He could not tell a verb from a noun.
The pretty good student in fact was, Part of a pretty good mob,
And the first time he knew what he lacked was, When he looked for a pretty good job.
It was then, when he sought a position, He discovered that life could be tough.
And he soon had a sneaking suspicion, Pretty good might not be good enough.
The pretty good town in our story, Was part of a pretty good state
Which had pretty good aspiration, And prayed for a pretty good fate.
There once was a pretty good nation, Pretty proud of the greatness it had,
Which learned much too late, If you want to be great, Pretty good is, in fact, pretty bad!
My question is: How can anything be pretty anything? Pretty is an adjective, meaning nice, acceptable. Good is another adjective, meaning OK. Things are either good, better or best and if they are not, they are not pretty. However I do get it, we need to better than "pretty good" in life......we need to be Real Good!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Normal is just a cycle on the washing machine

When you hear someone say, "Congratulations your normal" you think.....that is good news!
But, honestly normal is just a cycle on your washing machine. No one or no thing is normal, because we don't know what normal really is. What is normal for one person or situation may not be normal to another person or situation.
In my perfect state at the age of 77....I feel it is perfectly normal for my age group to be 20 pounds over weight, wear glasses , get tired easily, even have knees and back that hurts sometimes, have high blood pressure and take lots of pills. But, others will argue, No, it's not normal......Or, my family of three daughters and husbands and nine grandchildren all seem perfectly normal to me while others look at some or all and think, that's not a normal person, or family. This is one area where we definitely should not judge what or who is normal.
It seems normal for people who live near the sea or a a lot of water to grow up eating and liking fish, while people who live in the midwest far from sea food do not normally like it as well. So what is very normal for some, is not normal for all. This is not right or wrong, good or bad, it just, when you judge that "someone" is not normal because..........or "something" is not normal because............, take another look and maybe find there are no accidents in life and "THING HAPPEN FOR A REASON...........JUST BELIEVE." I did my walking today, but sorry no pictures!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

This is my year of "I AM"............When you say "I am," that is a force and a power like no other. "The words that follow the "I ams" are summoning creation with a mighty force, because you are declaring it to be a fact!" You are stating something with a certainty. People take it at face value. But immediately after you say, I am sick, I am tired, I am broke, I am old, I am over weight, the genie or subconscious says "Your wish is my command....and your those things.
So, thinking about this and how the universe works take those two words "I Am" and use them to make your life better. I am healthy, I am rich, I am happy, I am loveable, I am smart, I am eternal youth, I am receiving all the good things I need and deserve. Think positive,
On my bucket list for this year is to learn to take pictures that people want to buy and to create and publish a book on Spotty Dot. As I seek out good and different pictures I will get my exercise in............Oh, to be another Ansel Adams! I have come to terms with the idea that traveling is getting to difficult for me, so I will transfer my energies to something else that I can love and enjoy also.