Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

This is my year of "I AM"............When you say "I am," that is a force and a power like no other. "The words that follow the "I ams" are summoning creation with a mighty force, because you are declaring it to be a fact!" You are stating something with a certainty. People take it at face value. But immediately after you say, I am sick, I am tired, I am broke, I am old, I am over weight, the genie or subconscious says "Your wish is my command....and your those things.
So, thinking about this and how the universe works take those two words "I Am" and use them to make your life better. I am healthy, I am rich, I am happy, I am loveable, I am smart, I am eternal youth, I am receiving all the good things I need and deserve. Think positive,
On my bucket list for this year is to learn to take pictures that people want to buy and to create and publish a book on Spotty Dot. As I seek out good and different pictures I will get my exercise in............Oh, to be another Ansel Adams! I have come to terms with the idea that traveling is getting to difficult for me, so I will transfer my energies to something else that I can love and enjoy also.

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