Monday, January 4, 2010

Normal is just a cycle on the washing machine

When you hear someone say, "Congratulations your normal" you think.....that is good news!
But, honestly normal is just a cycle on your washing machine. No one or no thing is normal, because we don't know what normal really is. What is normal for one person or situation may not be normal to another person or situation.
In my perfect state at the age of 77....I feel it is perfectly normal for my age group to be 20 pounds over weight, wear glasses , get tired easily, even have knees and back that hurts sometimes, have high blood pressure and take lots of pills. But, others will argue, No, it's not normal......Or, my family of three daughters and husbands and nine grandchildren all seem perfectly normal to me while others look at some or all and think, that's not a normal person, or family. This is one area where we definitely should not judge what or who is normal.
It seems normal for people who live near the sea or a a lot of water to grow up eating and liking fish, while people who live in the midwest far from sea food do not normally like it as well. So what is very normal for some, is not normal for all. This is not right or wrong, good or bad, it just, when you judge that "someone" is not normal because..........or "something" is not normal because............, take another look and maybe find there are no accidents in life and "THING HAPPEN FOR A REASON...........JUST BELIEVE." I did my walking today, but sorry no pictures!

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