Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finally Some Sunshine

Beautiful sunny day.............finally. I even got brave and went out and washed my car. I am reading Sue Grafton's U book and there goes the laundry for the day. Also, working on redoing "Spotty Dot" so I can get it printed up on Shutterfly. I am determined to see that children's book in print, I promised Mother.
I was inspired by Pam Scarpelli's article in the paper today. She owns a plus-size consignment store. She said: "I grew big." "I did not grow ugly, or stupid or lose my good taste." Yes! So come on friends, a few pounds does not a loser make. The best reason for losing weight is for your health's sake.............and you have a closet full of clothes that don't fit anymore. Back to the diet tomorrow.
I am committed to being grateful for something each day. Today I am grateful for a break in our long cold wintery month of January, and the beautiful snowy mountains with sun shinning on them.

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