Friday, January 15, 2010

Movin On...............

Found my big hopes of getting on Photoshop won't happen for at least another 30 days..... That will make it the middle of February. I have to get with the new technology........take good pictures and upload them straight into the computer, adobe shop them, then send them on. It seems they lose something when printed from the camera then scanned back into the computer to send on. I am struggling with this, but it is a new goal. Thanks to Tiff for cheering me on and helping me climb the mountain of computer knowledge, being a couple of centuries behind! I am not technologically impaired. I can turn off and on the TV, computer, and cell phone! I Will concentrate on printing a little book of Spotty Dot!
The metaphorming process can be described by using the acronym. Metaphorm means:
C....connect R.......relate E........explore A.....analyze T......transform.... E....experience.
I will not worry about what I don't want or have, but worry about what I do want, and work toward it. I have always been eager to go anywhere, as long as it is forward......a thought from Dr. Livingston. We are all sad about Haiti and they many people that were killed.............

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