Sunday, January 31, 2010

Recombobulate your life....................

I find the definition of recombobulate is : 1. to put something back the way it was or proper working order. 2. To gather one's thoughts or composure.
It seems to me that this is a very good word for our lives and even our world. Look at Haiti, it definitely needs some recombobulting. The United States is falling apart at an alarming rate, and in almost every area needs people to gather their thoughts or composure and get us back on the right track, the true one that we as older Americans know and have lived for the past many years.
Each day I say to my self: It's time to recombobulate your life, your day, an hour. Be in control, plan and arrange it. Some days you feel things are not in working order and it does cause problems. When you get to thinking about something wrong, that only grows and adds unrest and confusion to your life. Stop and recombobulate! And when you see the sign at the airport that says "recombobulation Area", you know it's where you put your shoes and jackets back on and put all the stuff back into your suit case that was taken out, rearranged and left for you to "put back the way it was."
Today I am thankful for the family I grew up with and the many that still love and include me in their lives. Chase had the lead in a fun play last night "Urine Town" and my sister, nieces and nephews were all there.

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