Friday, January 29, 2010


Letter have been cherished through the years. I have saved letters from my mother, who did most the keeping in touch. After mother died I got some letters from my Father, I have one from my grandmother congratulating me on my first born. I have a couple of love letters I have saved from my X before we were married, proof that maybe one day we really were in love. I have a few letters from my children when they were small and went to camp or visiting away from home. Today, no more letters. I get phone calls, tex messages or emails. I do cherish the Birthday, Valentine or Mother Day cards I still receive regularly with two or three lines, but there will never be the long newsy letters in the hand writting of loved ones to hand down to their children or grandchildren.
Now it is easier to pick up the phone, tex or email to share a short message. No one has the time, or takes the time to think out a good letter. Things like punctuation, spelling etc. are things of the past. The fewer the letters in a tex message the more proficient the sender. The computer can correct spelling mistakes on your email. So soon spelling will be a thing of the past.
I think of the hours of penmanship young children endured in their early school years. Do they even have penmanship in school anymore?
In every store there are boxes of beautiful writing paper. I occasionally buy them for gifts. What has happened to the big box of plain white envelopes, the writing tablets and the affordable postage?
The new generation does not relate to the thrill of a letter from someone you love. I am trying to keep up with this modern world and yet sometimes I long to write a nice long letter to one of my children or grandchildren. Would they think I was really losing it? Would they think, why doesn't she just pick up her cell phone and call or tex or email us. Well, maybe cause I don't know how. Well. I do kinda! I guess if I'm going to stay connected to the family, I better almost 78. I just don't know how to spell in tex! I could write a whole page by hand while I am trying to write a sentence in tex.
What am I thankful for today? I have some precious letters tucked away in a drawer I can get out and read and feel a connection with the long gone writer.......over and over and over again!

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