Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have just found out I can have my blogs printed into a book and so will not lose these wonderful(? ) writings that I have been enjoying putting on paper. I am very excited about this and won't have to keep printing them for future reference. I love to write, Journaling has been my passion and I would love to teach it someday. This is a thought I keep close by: "When I write I slip into the page of print as if it were water.........and the pen or computer is the current that carries me to where I want to go, not sure at first, but with each word the momentum of my thoughts pick up speed, so does the pen and soon I am at my journey's end when the thought or picture I am painting is on the page. Yes, that is what it is like to write for me." I write, write, write. I would like to write a children's book, and have several in mind. Right now I am putting together a children's book on a poem my mother wrote. I am doing the art work and will turn it over to Shutterfly to see my results soon I hope. It is fun to learn something then pass it on to others, did you know Cayambe, Ecuador is at the center of the world and the Cotapoxi is the highest active snow covered volcano in Ecuado? I have beern lucky enough to see them both. I must end each blog with something I am grateful for and this can also serve the purpose of being a Gratitude Journal for me: I am grateful for my warm, safe home on this cold wintery night.

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