Thursday, January 21, 2010


Forever........I will keep in my mind the picture of me sitting in a big leather chair in front of a huge window, feet propted up on the "Island Princess" watching the waves come and go. Such a peaceful, de-stressing and comfortable afternoon as I let all my anger, dissapointments, frustrations, sadness, discouragement, fears and faded dreams wash away with the waves. The Universe will take care of them. The big question is: can I sit back in my chair of life by the window and be unemotional and non-judgemental as I watch waves, clouds and time go by with no concern of ego. The EGO, or who "I AM".
I am not my birth certificate..... The map is not the territory....The picture is not the person.... The notes are not the music. My birth certificate identifies me, so do my passport and drivers, but they are not me..........EGO.
Can I sense the I AM that I AM at this moment? Can I sense my essential identity as con-
sciousness itself, or am I losing myself in what happens, losing myself in MIND, or the World.
The underlying emotion that governs all the activity of ego or "I AM" is fear. The fear of being nobody, being alone, non-existing, the fear of death.
Why fear anything? Because the EGO or "I AM" arises by identification with form and deep down knows that no form is permanent. We will die, our kids will grow up and leave us, we will lose a pet, a parent, a job and perhaps our health. These are our fears, let them float by as the sea and the clouds do in our lives. What do I fear? Not having another birthday or two........

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