Friday, January 22, 2010

"Budget Travel"

Just the sound of those two words give me a high..........."Travel" is my favorite word, then add "Budget" a magic word in our vocabulary. We invision money pilling up around us. When we do it "budget wise" there is lots more for lots less...We all make our own pictures of budget! Sad to say, many people do not know this word. Many people do not want to know this word! To them it means less than, sacrifice of something they don't want to sacrifice. But.........many of our "Real Millionaire next door" people are real. They drive old cars, remodel their homes, take their lunch to work in a brown sack and only have one or two suits. They know about budgets.
The class of people who love Budget Travel are curious, educated, love people, and new and different things. They are willing to take a chance, are adventuresome and have fun. These lucky people love rubbing shoulders with the natives and their cultures. They eat new foods, travel in strange and different ways. They witness many strange accommodation. There are bathrooms down the hall, out back or only two foot steps and a hole in the flooor. So what? It's not forever,(thank goodness, especially when you have bad knees.) These people try new languages, food and customs and love the challenge of the different money they encounter.
I feel lucky to be one that can travel budget out of choice, not necessity. Many would stay home if they could not travel first class. Hilton Hotels, conceirges, room service, guided tours that tell them what to buy and where to buy it. These people could just as well stay home, sleep in their own little beds and watch a film on the country of their interest.
Yes, I have found in my many years of traveling the world........."All people smile in the same language." I have enjoyed my 120+ countries, 48 states and 6 continents and ready for more!

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