Sunday, January 10, 2010

Excited about my Life!

Just signed up for a fun new hobby, (maybe make a little money), taking and submitting photos for sale. And a renewal to get "Spotty Dot" made into a book. I need to see it in print before I die. I am motivated for the new year to do some new things worthwhile, besides knit prayer shawls for needy people.
"Geniuses are Able to see what many miss. They see possibilities in the impossible" A Genius uses "Blooms Taxonomy."
1. Knowledge - what we get in school.
2. Comprehension - How we undestand this knowledge, (Many people stop here.)
3. Application - If you understand, how do you apply it in your life?
4. Synthesis - Taking what you know (the something) and making something else out of it. (Experimenting in other ways it can be helpful to you or others.)
5. Evaluate - Is it worth my time or energy? What do I get from this? What parts are good, better, best? How or where can I use this in my life?
6. Analysis - Reason for it. take it apart before you make a decision. (Last four are the higher levels of Knowledge - few people use the last four levels.)
Is there a "connection" between the above and a genius? I don't want to be a genius, just get the most out of what I know and learn from now on.

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