Monday, January 25, 2010

Coffee Break

Time passes, Life happens, Distance separates, Children grow up, Jobs come and go, Love waxes and wanes, Men don't do what they are suppose to do, Hearts break, Parents die, Colleagues forget favors, Careers end, BUT Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach. Today two old and very dear friends came over for 10:30 in the morning, it took us until till 4:00 pm to work through everyone's problems. With trusted friends you can let it all hang out without fear of being judged. One friend is having a breast off in a few days because of cancer, she aired her fears........that she didn't want to burden her family with. We offered suggestions on inventing a new bra to hold her cell phone, garage door opener and even a colapsable straw and bottle of coke.....(we could get rich). The other friend has the problem of a small place with three grown children and a grandchild, who refuses to go to school, moved home and her husband trying to run his business out of the house, she has no space of her own or quiet time. She also is on call for her 90 something mother who always seems to need something. She is full time maid on call and has no life of her own. We ran out of time before we got to my problems, and after theirs mine didn't so bad. If nothing more, we spent a fun day just supporting each other and knowing, life isn't always easy for any of us. hurrah for good friends!

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