Monday, January 18, 2010


The United States has a huge population of wannabees! At one time or another in our life we all are guilty. I wannabe 6 to go to school....I wannabe 16 to drive......I wannabe 21, so no one can tell me what to do. I wanna, wanna, wanna all through life, be married, have kids, get rich, live in a big house and drive a nice car, get through school, get a good job, lose weight, be healthy, etc, etc. etc. I am finally, at my age, cutting down my list of wanntabees. I have a wonderful home, I have enough to eat, and hopefully enough money to take care of myself until I die. I know in my heart that I will never be thin again, or as healthy as I would like, age does that to a person. I will accept that. I hope I can accept where I am in life, and know "I am where I am in life from the choices I made, (and the choices my parents made.) I am thankful that I had two wonderful, healthy, nice looking and healthy parents that got to together, from them I have had good genes to pass to my children and grandchildren. I have had good health, a good mind, live in the freedom, I am white, (which have given me many blessings others have not had), I have had heart aches, but they have made me stronger......I love God and am a Mormon. My father was a Methodist and my mother a Mormon, I was baptized and I passed it on to my girls. (we are where we are in life because of the choices of our parents....and their parents.) Being a wannabee is not good or bad, it just is...........

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