Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Every house should have a "listening chair". A chair can be of any size, form or color, but it needs to be tucked into a quiet corner and very comfortable. It should be available most any time day or night. No TV, records, family traffic and the cat must know it is yours......When you are in it the person must have your undivided attention. Be made to feel loved, important and special. The old chair will never tell the secrets it hears or spread the troubles of the house. It always welcomes some laughs along with the tears. Where is your listening chair? When I think of listening chairs I think back about the big rocking chair in my grandmother's front room. In fact there were two big rocking chairs, one for grandma and one for grandpa. They would pull them up near to the old pot bellied stove and read or listen to the radio. One was always available to us children who lived down the street and when things didn't go right it wasn't far to grandma's house where she always listened to "our" side. By the time we had cried it out and told her our sad story, along with a nice fresh roll and butter we would be sent back down the street to our home feeling much better. Leslie got grandma's old rocking chair, but lent it to me to rock the twins when they were babies. I don't know who got grandpa's chair. I think this is such a good idea and should extend into all families and all ages. Feeling a little better today, hope the medicine is working as I only have one more day to get better before my trip! Finishing up the packing and last minute chores.

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