Thursday, October 20, 2011


Just read an interesting article about being left-handed. All my life before marriage I only remember one person who was left-handed and that was my favorite Aunt Betty Keller. I have since learned a lot about left-handed people as I married a man who was left handed, and two of my three daughters are left handed and my first grandchild is left handed. I remember when my first daughter came home from school in the first grade she apologized for her messy paper, because the teacher made her use her other hand. I went to school the next day and informed the teacher, I did not want them to try and change her from being left-handed. From then on there never was a problem at school. When the twins were born 11 years later, they ended up being "Mirror Imagine" twins. One is right handed and one is left handed, so when they face each other they are using the same hand. School had changed by the time they started school and no one suggested Karrie write with her other hand. Many famous and talented people have been left handed. Their advantage is scientifically based on how the brain works. Each side of the brain specializes in different activities, a process called lateralization, which has been researched for 35 years in Md. Lefties have more bilateral brain activity, which can be an advantage in visualizing and solving problems. Klar's research suggests that a single dominant gene determines right-handedness. People who don't inherit the right-hand gene have an equal chance of being right or left handed. Lefties take pride in being themselves, while acknowledging the aggravations of our right handed world of fountain knobs, regrigerator doors, can openers, pruning shears, guitars etc.
My sister informed me she read my last blog and I put Mike's first wife Lauren in instead of his second wife Andrea. Sorry Andrea, old habits die hard, especially when your pushing 80. I tried hard the whole cruise to get it right!


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