Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Counting the hours.....

Well, the big day is almost here and counting down the hours now, not the days before I'm off to New York City for a couple of days before boarding our cruise up to Canada with my sister and other family members. We ended up with a fun group of 10 family members, some never have been to New York and several have not cruised before so that makes it even more fun. We have tickets for the Mormon Musical and for War Horse and a fun day of sight seeing. Karrie weighted my suitcase tonight and I was only at 35 pounds so that means I can shop 15 more pounds. I have done this cruise only from Quebec to New York, but cruises are fun no matter where you go. I will miss my Gigi, she looks so beautiful after her grooming at Petco Monday. She loves Karries house and her two big dogs.
It turned cold and rainy today but I think we are going to have cold weather back east. Well, guess I better get busy and finish my last minute chores, tomorrow will be a long day.....More when I get home.

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