Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I love my daily routine! Yes, it is very dull and most people would opt out, but I feel very comfortable with it. Sleep in, yes I sleep in.....till about 7:30. I always got up and saw all my children off to school or got to work on time when I needed to, now I don't need to. I get my paper, turn on TV to CNN and have my first cup of coffee. The newspaper is getting to be a bit of nothing, but I need to see what is going on locally and internationally. I admit we have become scanners for information, picking and choosing from the media salad bar like finicky children. I check the headlines, Kirby, kinda skim over the usual killings, robbings and wrecks. I have given up the comics for the obituaries in my old age. I am not from Utah (I grew up in Colorado) so don't know many of the people that pass each day, but am interested in what year they were born so I see how old the average age is!!!!!! I read my horiscope and plunge into the daily suduko. Check out the new receipts, don't know why I have no intention of trying any of for one is no fun!

So far we have had the choice of 2 media salad bars, one what the Republicans are doing (voting for Mitt so don't even go there) and having to listen to or read about Obama's latest NEW PROGRAM???? Sorry I had to miss Elaine's funeral and party but just wasn't up to crossing paths with my X even though I have wrapped him in a box and dropped him into the bottom of -my emotional ocean.....And as I finish this I stare at the tired white-faced clock on the wall as it hands me the minutes of my life-----one by one----what do I do with them? Toss them aside or cherish them ....yes, I cherish them. Tomorrow coffee with Ruth and Patty!

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