Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Just spent a week on a cruise with a whole bunch of relatives. You can choose your friends, but you just inherit your relatives. After seven days you pretty well see a lot of moods you were not aware these people had. Most of us got along, but there were a few marital spats.......most of the group were a lot younger than I was and keeping up was a bit of a struggle at times. I am still trying to get rested. We started in New York as I wrote about in my last blog then boarded Carnival Glory for a 7 day Canada Cruise. It stopped at Boston MA, Portland ME, Saint John New Bruswick, and Halifax, Nova Scotia. I had done all that once before, but was desperate to cruise again. We had the above picture taken the dress-up night, (Leslie almost cut off) Seemed everyone had their own itenerary. Jim liked movies and ball games in his room, Linda wandered. Tami and Kevin and Leslie kept heading to the casino. Mike and Lauren wanted to go somewhere quiet and dance (and be alone). K0rina and Bill kinda went their separate ways. Bill didn't like the big group and kept disappearing, leaving Kina alone. But I was pretty much alone so we hooked up alot. We all met for dinner at 6, and then we were on our own! The weather was nice the whole trip which makes cruising more fun. It was a long day at Kennedy Airport waiting for our 7 PM flight home. Pam and Rob met me in Pam's brand new Lexus, dark blue, with all the trimmings. Talked to Karrie , loved Gigi and fell into bed.

1 comment:

Team Tausinga said...

Hey Aunt Betty, I am sorry you didn't have such a good time on the trip. Anyways just wanted to remind you that Mike's wife's name is Andrea...lol...I love you and miss you. I hope you know that.