Friday, October 28, 2011


The circle of Life is made up of "Choices and Consequences." Every choice has a consequence to deal with, every consequence in turn makes you make a new choice! It is a never ending circle.

"Have you ever looked at a great farm gate that opens and closes? If you look at the hinge, it moves ever so little. Just a little movement of the hinge creates tremendous consequences out of the perimeter. That is the way it is with our lives. It is the little decisions that make the great differences in our lives."

Remember your mother said: Don't judge your days and life by how much you accomplish but by the kindness given and received. (I think of Margo's thank you note for making Christmas stockings for all her children when they were born and her son's request for her to do the same for his children. That thank-you note meant alot after 14 years of not hearing from her......and yes, I sent her my pattern.) As you pass through your years you will find the best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness (Don), To an opponent--tolerance, to a friend--your heart and to a child a good example. To live till you die is to live long enough! Just remember Elegant in the journey is Exquisite in the arrival......or whatever! As the years pass there is no time to deal in "if's" and "could be's"

Alex had his wisdom teeth out today and he was so cute as he tried to come out of the anesethic......he had Sherrie and I rolling. Took Ken in for speech therapy.

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