Monday, October 3, 2011


September seemed to fly and October just slip in. October is special because I got my second granddaughter in October and my last grandson. My second son-in-law, Darren has a birthday as did my wonderful father. At the left is Nicci and since day one was always a firecracker. She has a very nice boyfriend, Bill which we all love and a new puppy Oliver! Happy Birthday Nicci......whose birthday was yesterday Oct. 2. All week I have really felt crappy and finally the girls talked me into going to the doctor today only after spending two hours sitting, I found I have an ear infection. I am leaving on a 10 day vacation Thursday and do not want to start out sick, so I am on antibiotics for 10 days. Here's hoping I get better fast. Gigi had her first trip to the groomers today and looks beautiful. Clean ears, clipped nails and a good brushing and a bath. She smells and looks very nice, but isn't too happy with me. Went up to the Christenson's cabin yesterday with the Cooks, the fall leaves were so pretty around Park City. They had their horses there and they had a fun horse ride. Today has been my start of count down to get packed and ready for my New York trip and cruise up to Canada. Yea!

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