Monday, October 24, 2011


I didn't know that! They have same-name clubs........Having the name Betty is the only requirement to join the bevy of Bettys who belong to 15 regional chapters across the country and gather every April for camaraderie and companionship with their namesakes. Their names tie them together. The first Betty Club was founded in Hastings in 1994. The conventions are a hodge-podge of vintage aprons, reports on individual chapters, charitable projects, group portraits and the club's anthem "Betty's a Star" written by member Betty Surls 73, of Lincoln. Celebrating their old-fashioned name is important to Bettys. During the 1920s and 1930s, Betty was one of the most popular names in America, glamorized by cartoon character Betty Boop, homemaker Betty Crocker and Hollywood starlets Bette Davis, Betty Grable and Betty White. "Years ago, men used to say, 'She's a Betty!" which meant 'Wow, She's a hottie!' All of my almost 8o years I felt Betty was a very common name, but was called Betty Ree. Now I can feel when I was hatched my parents went for one of the most popular names of that day......born in 1932.....I don't think they even name cats or dogs Betty today. Oh yes, they do have Bob clubs, Linda clubs, there is a Jim Smith Society. Most of the same-name clubs can meet anywhere, but the Phil Campbells head to Phil Campbell, Alabama (pop. 1,148).


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