Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Last night was bridge club for me, so I was sleeping in this morning when I got a call from my youngest grandchild......"Hi grandma, it's my birthday!" It was my Scott Calvin Cook to remind me it was his birthday.....big #10.....I sang happy birthday to him and promised to be over after school with a present for him. He even invited me to come to his sleep-over with his friends, now how many grandmothers get an invitation like that from their cute grandsons? We are very good friends. I think when your grandchildren love you and enjoy having you in their lives then your life is a success. He was and is the cutest thing with a personality that doesn't stop. He plays football, basketball and Lacross and swims and loves being with his friends. I look forward to more years of fun with my last grandchild as I watch him grow into a great young man.

Life without God is like an un-sharpened pencil.........It has no point!

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