Monday, October 31, 2011


How and where on earth did this holiday become popular? Thousands of dollars and many hours are spent on the costumes for just one night's excitment.

Halloween is an anual holiday observed on Oct. 31st. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain, and the Christian holiday, All Saints Day but, today it is largely a nonsecular celebration.

The festival of Samhain celebrates the end of the "light half" of the year and the beginning 0f the"darker half." The ancient Celts believed the border between This World and That World.....became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits (both harmful and harmless), to pass through. It was felt the warding off of the harmful spirits could be done by dressing up in costumes and masks. All the elements of the autumn season such as pumpkins, corn husks and scarecrows are very prevalent.

Traditional characters are ghosts, witches, skeltons, vampires, werewolves, demons, bats and black cats. Black and orange are the colors of night and fire. Went to Pam's house to let her dog out last week and found the Panniers are really in the holiday spirit, (her house.)

Had a busy grandchild weekend: Took Kennedy to Speech Therapy on Friday and got to see my sweet Alex as he was trying to come around after having four wisdom teeth pulled. He was so funny. Saturday I was off to decorate for the Morp Dance at Brighton High for Annie and kept Scott that night. Sunday morning off to church for the Primary Children's Program and this morning off to watch Scott in the Halloween Parade at school. I cherish each and everyone of these encounters! Well, being the last day of the month, guess I better tackle the pile of bills next. Happy Halloween, having beautiful weather........

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