Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Oh Yea, leaf raking time.....not! The first of November came in with a hefty snow storm down here in the valley......it soon melted but it was not welcome. Just don't get to serious about life, snow is upon us and we might as well face it. As they say "enjoy the sparkle of snow----as long as you don't have to shovel it!"

With the Thanksgiving season fast approaching we need to feel the gratitude for all we have, be thankful. In fact, new research shows that people keeping a gratitude journal sleep better and have more good moods and a stronger sense of connection to others.......As Thanksgiving approaches, I will try to become more receptive, aware and full of gratitude. Even the simplest things can become reasons for thanksgiving when we are in the mindset of gratitude. I don't need to shovel the snow of my past, but I can enjoy the sparkle of the present. It is easier to focus on the good----what I do have, what I can do, what is still good in the world---if I remember that everything is in God's hands, after all. I just talked to a very old and dear friend who lost her husband a month ago, she is struggling....I wish I could help her, but all I can do is be there for her, reassuring her, this to will pass. At 6:15 this morning I was awaken by a call: "Is this Betty Peterson?" "Yes" "well this is Jim something or the other and I just want you to know I am putting Debra's clothes out on the curb for the truck to pick up "Me, "and is Debra your wife?" " No, she is your daughter!" Well, I told him I did not have a daughter named Debra and we concluded he had the wrong Bettty Peterson......I will never know why Debra's clothes were being disposed of and if her mother was ever informed. Gratitude.....I was the wrong Betty Peterson! but the mystery lingers on. Have gratitude this winter, even if you have to shovel.......

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