Tuesday, November 22, 2011


"The nicest thing about the future is.....it always starts tomorrow. Yes, in the future I am going to get more organized, I am going to lose some weight, I am going to be a better house keeper etc. etc. etc. It's always about tomorrow, but soon we run out of tomorrows. But I do have a very long "bucket list!"

Today I took the Christensons to the airport and they flew away for Thanksgiving in Hawaii......Brayden and Kennedy just got their scuba diving license so now they all can explore the bottoms of the ocean around Hawaii.

I'll just sit in the sun on the sand and be happy myself! Busy getting ready for Christmas, most the shopping is done, now to wrap the presents and decorate the house. A beautiful 51 degrees today.

I am so grateful for all I have and the life I have ended up with. I try to express my gratitude every day in my prayers for the wonderful things in my life. I am grateful for a safe warm home and a good bed every night. I am grateful I am never hungry. I am grateful for Happy strong children that love and care for me, for friends that call and check on me. That I live in a land that is free, that at my age I still have a good mind and body to be self sufficient! Health is everything......and I am grateful for a life of good health. I am grateful for each day God gives me and I hope I can give something back. Yes, Gratitude allows you to say, "Life is a gift." When you feel grateful, you feel worthwhile.....

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