Friday, November 4, 2011


How do you discover the life of a place when you travel? I have been absolutely enchanted by doors all over the world.....when I see a closed door my radar goes I shut out or are they shut in? This elegant silver door was in the hotel I stayed in, in Bombay, India (Mumbai). I have had my picture taken with many doors this perhaps is the the most elegant, but not necessarily the most interesting.

My gypsie blood has taken me"Beyond the Borders", through many doors. I have learned, yes, museums hold many interesting things of the past, but don't pass by all you can see in the present around you. Talk to the locals: they live there and are proud of their city and can answer all your questions. If you go to the local bars or hangouts, this is where life is manifested.Strike up a conversation with some of the patrons, just have a good chat, enjoy the people. Never compare....don't compare prices, quality of life, means of transportation, food, accomodations. You are here to learn how others live and discover what they can teach you. Ship gifts home and avoid paying for ----and carrying---too much luggage. Realize you are not going to be able to see "everything", just enjoy what you can work into your schedule. Learn a few words of a new language and getting lost can be a great adventure, what you find my change your life.

I am looking forward to my next cruise in April and finding some neat doors with secrets behind them. Off to Mexican food tonight with Pam and maybe Tiff.

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