Monday, November 21, 2011


Mildred says: Work for a cause, not applause....

Live life to express, not impress....

Don't strive to make your presence noticed,

Just make your absense felt!

Why do we continually cling to the past? The past is gone, except in our minds. When we dwell on past hurts, mistakes, or even joys, we can't focus on the present. No amount of thinking or worrying can change the past or recapture it and being it into the present. And mostly that is a good thing.

We should now say good-bye to the past, thanking all of our experiences for the lessons they brought us. Then we can concentrate on what is here and now. We can fully experience each new moment as it comes. We can also give our full attention to each new lesson as it is presented to us. Have I learned anything from my past experiences? Wow, have I? Have these experiences made my life better? You learn, you teach people how to treat you!!!!

As we turn our minds to each present moment, we find ourselvers recognizing the continuum of life. Who we are now is a result of past lessons learned. We don't need to remember the experiences that taught us the lessons,only the lessons themselves. AND we are where we are in life from the choices we have made....AND the choices our parents made! Assume the responsibilites of your choices....good or bad.....and move forward. Life is great.....and I love it!

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