Saturday, November 26, 2011


Since I was a little girl one of my favorite songs was, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." I always thought somewhere out there in our big world there was this land "where the skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true!" I always had dreams and goals growing up and many of them have come true, but it isn't the magic world I had hoped for as a child.

Our journey through life to eventual end (in wherever you believe is the end) is our destination. Wouldn't it be sad to think after you have lived your life----then that was it? Most of us work hard to be all we can be so that when we reach our destination with God---it is a destination to work hard for. I guess Thanksgiving opens us up to what we are thankful for in our lives. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and my list is very long as to what I am thankful for today. I went to Little America for dinner and it was hard to believe there would be hungry people on that day. However, as we were driving to the hotel we passed the homeless shelter and the line was long as many lined up for their turkey dinner, and I was thankful they had a place to go, as I did. I was thankful I was with family, I had people who cared for me, how lucky I am. Thanksgiving sets the stage for the next holiday on our calendar and I hope we can help make someone less fortunate have a Merry Christmas.

Enjoyed a wonderful movie today, "The Descendents" with George Clooney. Wrapped Christmas presents and getting excited about a very busy December coming up. Life is good!

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