Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Mildred says: Treat everyone with politeness, even though they are rude to you----not because they are nice, but because you are!

Time is flying......Christmas is creeping upon us. I do have my house decorated and all my gifts wrapped, but I still have a very long "to-do" list before I'm out of here the 22nd. My favorite neighbor just ran in to borrow a cup of milk......I am so glad I live in a neighborhood where that still happens. Sherrie just called from Hawaii, to remind me to pick them up in the morning and see how Lillie Lu is doing? Isn't life interesting? As I decorate my favorite piece of driftwood with Christmas lights, it brings back the wonderful memories of my mother, who was the person that taught me about the character of driftwood.

Driftwood....my body is part driftwood.....my mother loved driftwood and I have always been fascinated by it! It drifts with the tides, feeling what it feels, sees what it sees and hears what it hears along the way. Being shaped by its environment one day at a time. My drifting is not just in my town, my city, my state or my country , my drifting includes the currents of the world.

How many people do you know that are made of driftwood-----or wish they were? Driftwood has character---Interesting texture, shape, design, molded and formed by many experiences through the years as it is tossed and turned, left to dry in the sun, then picked up again and sweep along by the currents of life never knowing what tomorrow will bring. There are no two pieces of driftwood alike, as with people.....somehow I think driftwood has more fun!

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