Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Long gone are the days of "over the hill and through the woods to grandmother's house we go.".....but I am so glad I had those times in my life as I was growing up. My grandparents lived up the street and grandma was a wonderful cook. My mother's brothers and their families came with cousins to play with. What we ate I do not remember, but the good times of being a family was great. I am going out to eat with my daughter and her familytomorrow. I offered to do the turkey thing, but was voted down,(thankgoodness). Three of my good friends also said they were going out to eat with their kids......I am trying to figure out why grandmother's don't cook family dinners anymore. I think one reason is now days families are strung all over and it seems senseless to cook a huge turkey and all the trimming for 4 to six people. Sherrie and her family flew off to Hawaii yesterday for the holidays, Pam is having a late dinner for Will and Tiff and Scott. Nicci is going to her boy friend's house in Indiana. Maybe to many different schedules to fit together. Oh well, as long as everyone gets to eat all they want and it does cut down on the poor turkeys who are sacrificed!
Karrie and I ran up to Park City to the outlets to finish up my Christmas shopping. Now to get it all wrapped and the house decorated. We are having early Christmas as Karrie's family is heading out on a cruise for Christmas. Yes, things are starting to change. Next Christmas Alex will be ona mission, the next year both Richie and Alex will be gone on missions. So I say, "suck it up cupcake, life is about changing."
Don't be sad it is ending........Just be glad it happened! Happy Thanksgiving.

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