Friday, November 18, 2011


God knows best.......Life does not let us slip through life without some kind of tragedy, supposedly to make us stronger and test us. To help us really know what we can and cannot handle.

No matter who we are or where we are on our path, tragedy can strike us or our loved ones. As Leo Buscaglia says "we cannot stop a hurricane, silence a storm, or keep a loved one from leaving us". These things and others, just happen."

It may be hard for us to understand why God allows tragedies to occur. We may feel betrayed. We may want to give up on God or this whole spirtuality business. We may wonder why we should bother working so hard at our spirtual growth, only to be ignored in our time of need.

But, after our grief and our anger, we can experience another feeling: acceptance.....God has wisdom and a plan we know nothing about. Letting go means accepting both the painful and the joyful gifts our Higher Power sends us. I know this is true and I say just have patience. After my husband of 30 years walked out on his family, I definitely was angry at God, but 25 years later I have lived through the hurt and pain and thank him for seeing what I did not. I accept life's tragedies with serenity now, knowing that I am on God's plan and he knows what is best for me. Good doctor appointment today, no bad news! Big storm due in tonight, but we have heard that before. Love my new Pinterest program.....thank you Sher!

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