Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Mertle says: "Just when I think I am learning patience, I realize it's just that I don't really give a shit!" When things go wrong or needs fixed, I want it taken care of NOW. My computer started doing strange things and I thought it might have a virus, so I took it in. Good news, not virus just needed a good cleaning out and adjusting. Had the attention of three very willing helpers answer the millions of questions I have about computers. The area manager Dave, the manager Whitney and the technicion David. I did end up buying a portable hard drive, had it programed into my computer so I just plug it in every night and it records all my happenings of the day on the hard drive, I can now delete a lot of stuff and make my computer faster and if my computer ever crashes or is stolen I can just take the hard drive in and put it in a new one.......At almost 80 I will never be able to keep up with all the fun stuff out there but with nice guys like the ones helping me today, I will survive!

Now about patience......we choose to be either patient or impatient many times each day. We have to wait for people, computers, traffic lights, and the preparation of food.Impatience doesn't make us feel better. It only makes us nervous, angry, and unable to enjoy ourselves. We learn patience by practicing it every day. When we drive up to a flashing light at railroadcrossing,stead of turning around and finding another route, we can wait. Try to wonder what's inside the boxcars, noticing signs of where they've been or where they're going. A quiet moment like this won't spoil our day or destroy our schedule. It just might help us,refresh us, calm us down, and remind us to be patient. However, anyone who has ever been married and had children........knows patience!

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