Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This little spider knows to survive you have to build a Firm Foundation!Last month I visited the St Paul's Chapel, the tiny 245-year-old stone chapel across thre street from Ground Zero. That little church has a bell that is famous just like the Big Ben and the Liberty Bell it is called St. Paul's "Bell of Hope". A message left on a near-by fence......"you have destroyed our buildings, but not our foundation." was seen. Now ten years later the buildings are slowly beginning to reappear, but what about our foundation? How strong is America's foundation "with a fragile economy, a dysfunctional government, devalued institutions and angry,dispirited citizens"? Yes, our nation's foundation needs some work. My generation watch everyday as America's foundation is slowly crumbling under Obama. This recession with everyone's homes being devaluated, our retirement savings being shrunk, and the unemployment rate among those over 55 is at historic highs, just when many need a job to see them through till life's end. Today my children and grandchildren have the challenge of restoring a foundation built on our shared history of inventiveness, freedom and sensitivity to others. Yes, St. Paul's is a very small church but it's contribution to mankind when it was needed is the foundation of our don't have to be the tallest, richest, brightest to be famous and contribute to the foundation of our wonderful country.
FYI......Women are angels....and when some one breaks our wings......we simply continue on a broom stick. We're flexcible like that!

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