Saturday, November 19, 2011


I love learning something new everyday, this makes sense even though I can't prove it is true! Why the wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger. The Chinese give a beautiful explanation to this: The thumb represents your parents. The Index finger represents your siblings. The middle finger represents yourself. The ring finger represents your life partner. The little/pinky finger represents your children.

Hold your hands together. Join middle fingers tip-to-tip. Now try to separate your thumbs. They will separate because your parents are not destined to live with you forever. Now separate index fingers. They will separate because siblings have their own families and lead their own lives. Separate the pinky, they will separate because your children grow up and have their own families. Now try to separate your ring finger......they will not separte because your life partner is meant to be with you throughout your entire life! OH REALLY? Well, anyway I think it is the perfect answer to why we wear our ring on the finger we do.

Snowed last night and made my grandsons happy. I realize Christmas is about 35 days away. I have my shopping done, but odds and ends. I turned on my Christmas Tree lights tonight for the first time. Love, love, love Christmas Trees, brings back so many wonderful Christmases and happy times in my past. Got a lot done the past week, next big day Thanksgiving upon us.

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