Monday, October 17, 2011


I am home after my 10 day trip......and there is no place like home. We popped off to New York City two days before our cruise and had a great time. Leslie and I saw the "Book of Mormon", which I adored and cannot see why part of the Mormon community refused to see it! I could see why it won the the Tony Awards. The music was fabulous. Then the second night we saw "War Horse" which was great with it's mechanical horses. The guys liked it. Leslie didn't, but I did. Hey, any Broadway Show is a thrill to me. We walked a hundred miles and I am still paying for it. Didn't realize we needed a ticket to see the Reflection Pools at Ground Zero, so couldn't get in. I was very disappointed. We toured the Trinity Church and St Pauls, Hiked down to the dock and took the ferry to Staten Island so got good pictures of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Saw the demonstrators in front of the Stock Market exchange. Loved Time Square at night with all the bright lights. Our hotel was small, but we had a great location with a wonderful Deli next door. Five people in one room was very cozy.......I didn't get much shopping in as I was with a bunch from Winslow that don't shop. They did feel sorry for me and found a small shopping corner with many Kiosks. Yes, I love New York and the shows. The last time the three girls and I were there, we saw Wicked and Moma Mia, another memorable trip. Some bad news today a very good friend Elaine Sorsenson died. She was my sister-in-law's sister, Elaine was 92. I will get to the cruise next time.

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