Friday, September 23, 2011

Want vs Need

Yesterday I went to a financial meeting by Merrill Lynch. The topic was "Want vs Need"-----geared for children and grandchildren.

In todays tough times we really have to think twice when it comes to spending our money. It's no fun questioning every cent we spend. Do we need this or do we just want this? Want is a very strong "urge". Oh, I want those shoes, that coat, that necklce. Do we need it--probably not---at home we have a closet full of shoes, a jewlery box full of necklaces and a dozen jackets and coats that would keep us warm. But, we are use to buying what we want--a bigger TV, a newer car or a bigger house. Thank goodness, I was born and raised in the days when there were no TVs, you drove your car until it quit and could no longer be repaired and you were thankful you had a home, whatever the size. My children have heard these stories and have been pretty good to look at "Need vs Want" --but I am afraid we need to do some re-educating on the next generation--my grandchildren. The world is becoming a real mess with money becoming scarce and hard to earn. They may have to learn the meaning of "Want vs Need" the hard way. It costs nothing to want but we need to rethink need or not need sometimes. The Cooks and the Christensons have been trading the first colds of Fall back and forth. Alex is hobbling around on crutches because of a sprained ankle. I am enjoying the 80degree days of Fall.

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