Monday, September 26, 2011


What's in a name? I just read my nieces blog and was inspired as usual by her testimony and love of God. She was talking about a book "21 Days Closer to Christ" how it had in spired her. Day two talked about the different names Jesus was called.....and about knowing the importance of your name, honoring it and being true to it. Be sure your name brings honor to yourself and your family always being able to know and be confident that when someone hears your name, they will have good thoughts of you and know you are a good person, respectable, honorable, dependable, charitable, sincere, faithful and all you can be.

I have always loved my name and been proud of it. Betty Marie Yeomans! Yeomans being English and rather noble sounding. My little sister called me Betty Ree when she started talking and I went through life being Betty Ree Yeomans. Little brother called me Bobo, but thank goodness it didn't stick, but the nickname Buttons did stick for many years. Through my years I was glad I wasn't Smith, Jones or Woods, but would you believe I married and become I am one of a million Betty Petersons! After my 30 years of marriage crashed I could have easily gone back to my wonderful name of Yeomans-----but didn't-----now 25 years later it is to late to bother. In my mind I will always be Betty Ree Yeomans and I hope leave good thoughts and a good picture of the person I have tried to be and made my family proud I carried their name. Worked in the yard and made a list a mile long of things that I must do before my trip in 10 days. Leslie called and I always love talking to her.

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