Thursday, September 1, 2011


Love, love, love summer and quite enjoy Fall only problem I know what follows Fall. The older I get the less I enjoy winter, my artheritis complains constantly. But, I am feeling pangs of guilt when I think of how much I have to be thankful for. As of earth quakes, floods, sunami, hurricanes have washed away my little corner of the earth. I feel so sorry for the people on the East Coast that are being flooded away and homes lost or destroyed. "Irene" was a terrible storm for so many people. I have a roof over my head and enough to eat today. I think of this little poem called Dishwasher's Grace: Thank God for dirty dishes,They have a tale to tell. While other folks go hungry, we're eating very well. With home and health and happiness, we shouldn't want to fuss, for by this stack of evidence.....God's very good to us. I'll take the dirty dishes and not complain.

Today is a ball game with Annie cheering and Rich playing......proud gram.....It seems my calendar stays pretty busy and I love it. I read people's whose calendars are crammed with commitments are 60% more likely to live long, healthy lives than folks who struggle with boredom. Why? The brain and body are so intrically connected that boredom speeds the onset of serious illness. If my family doesn't die of exhaustion and lack of sleep they have potential to live forever. Labor Day around the corner!!!!!

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