Sunday, September 18, 2011


I love Autumn. It can be a season of letting go of anything in life that isn't beneficial. As the cold weather approaches and the leaves turn into a rainbow of colors we watch them drop to the ground one by one. The trees some how know when it is time to let go of them, sometimes the wind helps. Sometimes we get an early sn0w that helps and also trims the extra branches, this can become a metaphor about how important it is to rid your life of extra "leaves" that can make the winters of your life more difficult.

As I contemplate this scenero I need to think what I can let go of to prepare for my upcoming winter. I am committed to let go of excess---of too many things and too many commitments. I don't need to be asked "what part of NO don't you understand." 2. "Let go of the need to be right." My creed has been "I might not always be right......but I am never wrong", it doesn't always work. 3. "Let go of trying to look good. Growth require honesty and pain: it requires that I start from where I am and move upward." How can I quit dying my hair and always being on a diet???? This one is hard. 4. "Let go of comparisons. I am not inferior or superior to anyone else. I am running my own race, in process and en route. No one's path is the same as mine, so how can I compare?" 5. "Let go of regret for the past." I feel pretty good about this. 6. "Let go of the idea that life should be fair. It's not! I"m still dreaming of my castle in Spain. 7. "Let go of the need to be happy all the time." I have my good days and bad days and I fully realize I have control over this. 7. "Let go of criticizing, blaming or trying to change others." Being judmental is very limiting. I don't want to take responsibility for people and circumstances I can't control. I have alot of "leaves" to let go of and will start by just living one day at a time. A very quiet Sunday at my house.

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