Saturday, September 17, 2011


Twenty years ago yesterday my last daughter was married. She was married in the Salt Lake Temple and we had a fun black and white reception at the University of Utah.

Being a single mother I was left with mixed emotions. So happy all my girls had found some one they loved and sad my home now felt very lonesome. I kept very busy traveling and volunteering and taking classes and looked forward to more grandchildren. Karrie and Richard soon started a family and the handsome football player at the right is their youngest grandchild. Last night he called to be sure I was going to his foot ball game today as it was grandparents day. I went and his team won. I was given this picture to wear around my neck so everyone would know whose grandparent I was. They had a nice little booth set up with treats for us. The weather cooperated and the black rain clouds went by without a storm. What a beautiful day and the perfect thing to do on a fall saturday afternoon. I am very proud of Scottie and we have a lot of good times together.

My son-in-law Robbie took off yesterday for Canada to goose hunt. I will probably be hearing from my daughter, Pam, to do something. Being alone isn't her favorite thing. I'm loving this beautiful fall weather and counting the days until I'm off to New York and the cruise with my family.........18 more days.

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