Monday, September 5, 2011


Awesome job...... I say thanks to the many people who make my life what it is! The people that keep my electricity, water, heat, TV, roads, shops etc., etc., etc. working.......just for me. I get up every morning expecting these people to make my day run as I wish, no, I am not happy when the water is turned off or the power goes down.... but some laborer is there to fix it for me. Before I go to sleep at night I feel I should ask myself some questions, (1) What have I given today? In what ways have I been a contributor? (2) What did I learn today? Did I learn a new word, did I listen instead of talking when someone was speaking? (3) How has today enhanced the quality of my life? How can I use today as an investment in my future? If I didn't say thank you enough, do some one a favor and call a friend to say hello then I didn't reach out or give anything. (4) What am I proud about in my life right now? Oh, so many things. The person I have become through trials, the wonderful family I am the patriarc of and the love they give me. (5) What am I grateful about in my life right now? To have been given almost 80 years of health, family and enough to eat and a warm home. (6) What am I enjoying most in my life right now? My family and friends..... So to the many wonderful people who contribute to this good life I have (especially all the wonerful service men who fight to keep us free) I say Happy Labor Day.....Awesome Job!

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