Sunday, September 11, 2011

WHY???? 7-11 Tenth Anniversary

GOD BLESS AMERICAN...Ten years ago today terrorists flew planes into each of the twin towers in New York and into the Capital building, the one headed for the White House was crashed in PA by the crew to save many and they have become heros for all of us.

A millions "whys" have been uttered in the past 10 years, and I have added mine many times. Why? What was God trying to tell us ----or show us? Was there some kind of lesson to be learned that day? I live by the creed...."Things happen for a reason.....just believe" and for the life of me I don't see any reason for that terrible act. The picture on the left was taken by someone a few days before the towers were destroyed and the light coming in between them make a cross. It was on the internet and I printed it off and have it framed so I never forget that day and the many lives that were lost. If the terrorists thought they could destroy American in any way, they failed, it only brought us together more. There has been a movie made called "Rebirth" some man follows five people over the past ten years and the rebuilding of their lives and the rebuilding the memorial that now stands where the towers once did. I look forward to seeing it. I did visit ground zero five years ago and am going back to New York in several weeks and look forwarded to seeing the new reflection pools that fill the holes that were once the towers.

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