Friday, September 9, 2011


Hey, all you grandmas out there I just ran across the perfect job for us and we are all trained and qualified....... We all know there is no substitute for a grandma, but a new placement agency comes close. Rent-A-Grandma screens women age 50 and older as caregivers for children and older adults. This new service was launched a year ago , the Los Angeles-based employment service is expanding nationwide. Assignments for workers, who average $14.00 to $18.00 hourly around LA include various jobs. Grandmas are good fillers for families while their nannies vacation or in-between hiring new ones. What a fun and interesting idea. As your grandchildren grow up (my nine are doing that too fast) and no one seems in a hurry to give you any great-grandchildren, you think.....Yes, to stay young and vigerous you need to keep interested in youth.........When all your friends are of the gereatric age and all they talk about is what ails them it can get pretty depressing. You are out there to help children discover all the wonders of the world and of themselves. I say come on grannies, lets get out there and help out where we can, no one now days have jobs for the "elderly." and unless you are over fifty you can't apply for this one......As for me, I intend to stay a young blogging, emailing, facebook, texting grannie till the end!

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