Friday, December 30, 2011


Mertle says: Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

As 2011 is nearing the end and I am fast approaching my 80th year, "Aging' becomes something I have to face. I guess it is time to let go of unrealistic expectations.......I would like to be more like my mother who was one of the most contented people I've ever known. As I grow older, I realize why: she didn't expect much and appreciated everything. She loved people, music and helping others everyday of her life. She made the people around her happy. She never complained about being poor, which was only monatary, because she was so rich in talent, personality and confidence the things that were most important to her. She married the man she loved, no she didn't have a wedding dress or a reception, they couldn't afford that during the depression. Vacations were rare, she never had a career, she loved trying new things and learning and conquered anything she wanted. She was everlastingly grateful for the blessings of home and family and didn't waste time worrying that she "didn't have it all." I resolve to practice that attitude in the years I have left. You know cultivate a "gratitude attitude" for all my blessings.........which are many!

We have no snow, the poor ski industry is suffering and so are my skiing family members. Last year was such a great year.

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