Sunday, December 4, 2011


How often do I say, "I can't'? Is it easier than trying too, not caring one way or the other, or I cannot take the time or be bothered? Anyway with a New Year fast approaching I am going to try, try, try so there is no need for saying I can't. "This goodbye does not make me sad. I will not miss you. I have discovered what it feels like to do the unthinkable. The hard. The long. The challenging. You have no business here anymore. From now on, difficult will seem doable. I will see the impossible as simply not-yet-conquered. Farewell, Can't. You will haunt me never again. Hello, Can. Welcome to my world."

Isn't it interesting? An X-sister-in-law dies and after 25 years of having no contact with any of the family you send you daughter into complete orbit----because you didn't show up at the funeral. I have lived in my house for 25 years and I am in the phone book, etc. but wow, have any of them reached out to me? I got a message saying THEY all asked about you and wanted to see you.....I'm not sure who the they are, perhaps an out-of-town niece and the wife of a nephew. Well, Hello, I am right where I have been as I raised their nieces and cousins, had seven more grandchildren none of them acknowledged or barely even seen. The family walked out on my girls and I when their father did, of course loyalty in families is good. Well, suck it up cupcake, I am not going to be plied with guilt from a non-existent family out there.

It has started snowing and I know many of the boys in my family are doing the "snow-dance."

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