Thursday, December 8, 2011


Mertle says: "Dear Santa: This year, please give me a big fat bank account and a slim body. And please, don't mix those two up like you did last year!"....Thanks.

Life takes us to unexpected places. Love brings us home.......

Today I decided with two weeks to go before I leave town, I better get out my Holiday receipts and start planning my family dinner. First book that popped up was "Take Two and Butter 'Em While They 're Hot!" (Heirloom Recipes and Kitchen Wisdom).

One page tells us "How to Tell If Company's Coming".......They know all of that way back then and didn't even have enternet...cells phones....etc. ? I wish my grandmother was still alive and I could verify some of these predicitions! Take two pieces of bread at one time, hungry company's coming........Drop a knife, a man's coming: a fork a woman.......If your nose itches, company's coming!.......Drop a dishrag, someone nastier than you is coming.......If a straw falls from a broom that's being used, company's coming........A rooster crowing at your back door means a caller.....When a spider builds a web in your house, expect a caller the same color as the spider.....If you drop a wet dish cloth and it falls loose, a woman's coming. If it falls in a knot, a man is coming????? Wow, how can I remember all that????

My grandmother Goff lived up the street and I think she would have easily quoted some of the above. The other grandmother, I only saw a couple of times I remember. She doesn't seem like a real grandmother to me. I wonder what my nine grandchildren think of me? I do say strange things but mostly what I read on email or see on TV or hear on Face Book.... probably will some day sound just as strange as my grandmother's list. Well, back to looking up how to make dressing.

Been a busy week with my first grandson turning 21 and a sweet call from him thanking me for the Birthdaypresent and telling me of the exciting things he is doing. Love that kid!

Well, back to hunting the recepts I was looking for.

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