Tuesday, December 20, 2011

BIG DAY......

Mertle says: "If you ask some one.....where are you heading? And they answer, "Oh, no where special" and you say, "I've never been there.....can I go with you?" Where do you think you will end up?

It's one of those day when your so busy you don't know if you found a rope or lost your horse.......the family is coming to dinner for our annual Christmas party. Let's see, house decorated, presents bought and wrapped, games organized.......then there is that food thing! They all come to eat......I find suitable receipts, go buy the food, THEN the cooking begins. How long on the turkey? Is the dressing dry or too moist? How many potatoes for 16 people? Hordourvers? Same old, same old chips and dip or do I get brave and try something new from Pinterest? What dishes to use, need extra chairs? I have three lists I am trying to coordinate.......shopping list, to do list, and have done list! Also trying to pack and have a couple of lists going for that. We leave very early day after tomorrow.......ready or not! Karrie and kids came over yesterday and tiddyed up and Sher came by early today to help with some odds and ends. I will be ready for this......but must confess I still don't know if I found a rope or lost a my horse! Sherrie will take Gigi home while I am off to the Bahamas......If I survive.

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