Tuesday, December 13, 2011


This time of year we are surrounded by the "Spirt of Christmas" .When you think about it......life is one long series of changes. Just when you get things running smoothly----along comes another change and you have to up your effort to smooth it out. As I look back over my life I can't think of one thing that hasn't changed. Everything changes! Seems the world is always in a state of chaos and we owe it ourselves to survive and make the best possible life we can in the midst of it.
Today another day and another change, I have definitely learned to be flexible.......Sherrie needed to change our planned April Cruise because of it being just when she was needed at home for Alex's farwell, take him through the temple for endowments and be sure he had all the things he would need for two years in Brazil. She jumped in and we all agreed on the change, so now we are off on the cruise in February. It is the same ship with the same itenerary and Karrie & I got our airline tickets purchased, but I don't doubt we still have some changes in things ahead,that's just life.
Every moment......no matter how dire it may seem has something to offer us......every single moment!

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