Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Mertle says: "When you go to your knees, God will help you stand up to anything."

I know each of us is an innkeeper and we must decide if there is room for Jesus.....hopefully your answer is yes.

I am determined to not let anything ruin my Christmas! I'm not sure how many more Christmases I will have. When you get to be almost 80, you don't even buy green bananas anymore.....At this time Christmas isn't shaping up as usual, but hopefully I can stand for anything? I was reading where Christmas music can spur production of mood-lifting neurotransmitters by reminding you of happy childhood memories. I love the Christmas music and it does make me feel better especially when I know the words and can sing along. Singing floods your body with feel-good endorphins that help squash the effects of stress harmons. Even the good ole candy cane with it's supply of peppermint oil, which contains active ingredients like menthol, menthone and cineol, helps sooth the intestinal wall. AND color studies show that slipping into some bright color, like red, draws favorable attention from others. And when you're condfident in your appearance, your mood will soar as the stress level plummets......So my plan for tomorrow is to go sit in the car and listen to Christmas carols and sing them all at the top of lungs,(that way no one can complain about my singing), I will munch a candy cane and wear my red sweater! So there, just try and ruin my day!

We are hoping tomorrow is D-day for our first missionary to find out where he will be going? We have tried to guess where we think it will be.....time will tell. Good luck Alex.

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